10 - confession time

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"I guess you don't want to talk about it?"

"..I don't know."

Harvey was never the type to sort out his feelings in healthy ways, so the fact that he only let this pile onto his emotions was doing him no good.

"Then get out"

There was a long beat of silence. Harvey felt tears of frustration building up as he harshly glared ahead of him, eyes not moving from Colby's shoes that planted themselves in the ground. The tension was thick as Colby sighed heavily, sitting next to Harvey and laying his head in his hands.

"No. I'm not getting out Harvey. I'm not ignoring you anymore."

Harvey rolled his eyes and got up, not enjoying being right next to the boy he was falling for before his very own eyes.

He had tried so hard not to get to this stupid stage of battling his feelings and his anxiety hunkering down on the stance that it'd end in horrid tears and heartbreak.

"You sure as hell didn't have a problem with it for the last month though. Where were you anyways?"

Colby didn't answer, instead he hung his head while bouncing his legs. He was chewing on his bottom lip in nervousness.

"Okaayyy...why were you ignoring me? What the fuck did I do to make you hate me? Why have you been avoiding me like plague the last month? Is it because of the whole cuddle thing? Is it because you realized how much of a fucking nightmare I am to be around? Huh?"

Colby's head snapped up as Harvey voiced his insecurities, the anxiety clear on his face as he started pacing. Neither of them were in a good state to be having this talk, both in such a huge pile of nerves and fear that trying to logically explain anything was going to take a while.

"No, no, no harvey! I- it had nothing to do with you! I guess it kind of did? Fuck, look I don't know. Okay? You did nothing wrong and I wish I could tell you why I ignored you or why every time I'm near you I feel the best I ever had. I wish I could tell you why when you laugh I get butterflies and it catches me off guard. I wished I could understand why everytime you smile at me my heart melt or why every time you give me those dumb nicknames my heart feels like it's being choked. But I can't, I don't get why so I just fucking ignored you like an asshole while you were probably going through the worst month of your life."

Harvey stood in shock, uncrossing his arms as his anger disappeared. While he knew it still wasn't much of an excuse for completely blowing him off, Harvey knew that it took a lot for Colby to say that. So, he wrapped his arm protectively and tentatively around the other boy, letting him cry into his shirt as he rubbing a comforting circle in his back.

Colby had clearly been stressed about the entire situation. It was finally getting to him and it snapped. He felt exhausted as he let his feeling out, falling asleep shortly after he confessed his messed up and confusing feelings to his crush. He might as well call it that at this point, there was no denying it anymore.

Harvey let the boy sleep, shutting off his lights and locking his bedroom door after pressing a gentle kiss to his temple and pulling the blankets up around his sleeping form.

Turning back to the music, Harvey smiled in amusement at a couple of people attempting to stack crackers. The noise had gone down significantly and the remaining guests were either too high to be disruptive or too drunk to remember how to play uno.

In attempt to calm his ever growing nerves, Harvey joined the game as the only sober person.

Somehow he still lost.

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