16 - fueling the fire

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Harvey found amusement in freaking out the fans while being vague about his boyfriend, but he could tell they were figuring it out and while he didn't mind, he wasn't sure how Colby felt.

So, he decided to tone it down on posting pictures of the two and told Fiona to do the same.

Inviting Colby over was easy, but now came the hard part. He'd been through this before and was scared of the rejection but put on a brave face. It wasn't like last time, he had to remind himself of that.

"You wanted to talk about something?"

Harvey nodded and stood up from the couch, blowing a stray hair from his face while he began pacing the room.

"I know you said you wanted to wait..but fans are already figuring it out. I don't want to pressure you at all but maybe we should cool it on posting vaguely?"

Harvey looked to Colby for a response, preparing himself for the history to repeat itself, for Colby to reject him and they'd continue this adrenaline of secrecy and he'd fold from the pressure.

But that didn't happen, instead Colby took a deep breath a nodded before launching into a plan.

It was simple but it terrified Colby to his core.


Harvey sat just out of frame, holding onto Colby's hand tightly, stroking his thumb across the others knuckles in a soothing way.

Colby fidgeted with his hoodie string a few times, his black painted nails standing out against the pink.

"You ready?"

Colby nodded, taking a deep breath beforehe finally addressed the camera in front of him. He had to do it eventually, he knew that. He couldn't be vague anymore about it and it was eating him up inside to hide from everybody.

And so, he filmed his coming out video. At the end, Harvey stepped into frame to kiss him and wipe his tears away. Just comforting Colby while he worked through his emotions. It never got easier to admit being yourself, but at least it was out there and they wouldn't have to worry about walking down the street hand in hand and being recognized or outed.

All that was left was to post and the plan would be completed.

It was 2 hours until midnight on new years eve.



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hauxted.harvey - no matter what happens just know I'm proud of you <3

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