15 - life goes on

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Harvey did his best to hold back the tears while his mother stared at him.

He didn't want to be angry, but he was. He didn't want to show her any emotion qhen she let the bombshell of guilt drop directly in front of him while he had no one to hold on to.

Everyone had been outside, taking in the snowfall. Harvey came back in for a moment only to be grabbed by the wrist by his mother, who pulled him into an unwanted embrace that reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.

"Oh, Veronica, baby I'm so glad you came home! You know I've really missed you girls being around.."

Harvey immediately pulled away, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing in annoyance.

"Stop it, stop bullshitting me. If you really missed either of us you wouldn't have kicked Fi out and you wouldn't have made my life a living hell."

Harvey tried his best not to flinch as his mother rolled her eyes and reached her hand out, gently holding his arm as she stared up at him with mournful eyes.

It wasn't real, not really. There was no real light behind them.

"Veronica, I have no idea what has gotten into you. I didn't kick either of you out! Fiona left on her own, you moved to England for college. If anyone made your lives suck it was your father! He's the one that abused you!"

Harvey ignored the door opening and the cheery voice of his boyfirend calling out his name.


Harvey immediately regrets his scream as his mother flinched back. He can already see the tears starting to gather in his eyes and he can't help but feel the empty coil in his chest pulling tighter. It made a physical pain in his chest as he shook his head and turned away from her.

"I provided so much for you, Veronica, why can't you see that?!"

"It's Harvey. Get it that through your thick skull mom."

Snapping his head up, he stares at his little sister. He already fucked up his relationship with his parents by coming out to them. He didn't need the same thing happening to her.

Fiona shook her head, signaling for Harvey to step out.

Sighing, Harvey did so and sat on the clear steps of the front porch. Colby sat beside him, laying his head on Harvey's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist.

Harvey flinched when what seemed to be a yelling match broke out between the two women inside. He turned into Colby's side and buried his head, inhaling sharply as something was thrown and the door swung back open before slamming shut.

"She's a bitch and I'm so glad I don't live here anymore. Harvey, I'm sorry about her bullshit. You don't deserve that and neither do I. But you most definitely didn't deserve anything she put you through."

Harvey nodded with tears in his eyes but quickly stood up when he noticed the bright red mark across his sister's face.

"Holy shit Fi, did she hit you?!"

"She might have? I don't know, I threw my hat at her without thinking and she retaliated. It's not a big deal though."

"Like hell it isnt!"

Colby couldn't stop the smile from spreading over his face as Harvey began fussing over his little sister. He laughed lightly as the two got into a playful slap match, neither hitting each other on purpose but instead slapping each other's hands away until Harvey eventually trapped Fiona into a hug.

Harvey sighed before breaking the hug up, the warmth quickly leaving his body and causing him to shiver. Colby noticed and engulfed his boyfirend immediately. Fiona let out a fake gag causing more laughs to fall from the three's lips before they caught up with the rest of the group that had taken over the front yard. Aka the cousins.

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