-Stake out- Steve x Reader (Smut)

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You are part of the Avengers team, and are sent on a mission with Steve where you need to camp out in the woods and do surveillance of a possible Hydra site.
You are stationed there for a week; but constantly moving camp sites around so that Hydra doesn't find you.

On one night it gets super cold, and you can't sleep, Steve is obviously sleeping fine since he is a walking furnace. You can actually hear your teeth chattering it is so cold, and consider trying to put more clothes on. The only problem is you don't want to make too much noise to wake Steve since he is already a light sleeper. After debating your options for a few minutes, you feel like your nose has developed frost bite. You realise if you want to get any sleep you are going to need to get warmer.
You try to ease your way quietly out of your sleeping bag, but you obviously aren't quite enough cause you hear Steve.

"Y/N? What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asks.

"I-I-I'm f-f-fine S-s-steve," you reply and then hear some rustling, before Steve's hand wraps around your wrist.

"Jesus Y/N, you're freezing, why are you out of your sleeping bag?" he scolds you.

"C-c-couldn't-t g-get warm-m-m," you tell him.

"Come on," he tells you pulling you around and towards his sleeping bag, he tells you to get in and then settles in behind you being the big spoon, and zips the bag up.
It's a tight fit but you are instantly warm, and you sigh deeply in relief. Snuggling back into Steve, who slowly, as if gaging your reaction, wraps his arms around you, which you snuggle further onto him.

"Good night Stevie," you sigh before instantly falling asleep.

You wake the next morning with something hard poking your back, you wriggle slightly to try and dislodge it, but freeze immediately when a few things happen; a gentle moan sounds right next to your ear, and you are made aware of a pair of strong arms holding you against a warm chest.
Confused for a second, before you remember what happened last night.
And then you realise what the hard thing pocking your back is, and you feel your face flush, and can't help the slight dampness that forms between your thighs, the idea of Steve being hard is completely a turn on for you.
You pretend to be asleep, as to not make it awkward since you know Steve is shy. About 10 minutes later Steve wakes up and he immediately tilts his hips back, trying his hardest to keep himself away from you. You pretend to wake up, yawning you roll over to face Steve and you see his cheeks are incredibly red.

"Morning Steve," you tell him, giving him a massive smile.

"M-m-morning Y/N," he stutters obviously flustered. You smile a little wider, before going for the zipper and climbing out of the sleeping bag, you notice he doesn't follow you out and keeps the covers over his bottom half.

"I'm gonna go to the little girls," you inform him, mainly to give him some space.
The day goes the same as the others, gathering more intel about the base, and before long it is night time again. It's freezing this night as well, and you can't sleep again. You decide to call out to Steve to see if you can bunk together again tonight.

"Steve?" you whisper, and you hear a grunt in reply, which you take as a green light, and scamper out of your sleeping bag.
It's possibly even colder than the night before, and since you kind of got Steve by surprise, he hasn't unzipped his sleeping bag yet, you're too impatient to unzip it so you decide to just shimmy into the bag, next to Steve.
You hear a bit of a gasp from Steve, and you apologize thinking you have hurt him, you slow down a little, but you aren't in the sleeping bag completely yet.
You realise that you are sort of straddling Steve, and when you lower yourself more, you realise that Steve is hard again.

"Steve..." you start, but he cuts you off.

"Don't worry about it, it-it-it's nothing, just ignore it," he whispers, stuttering. You don't know what comes over you, but suddenly you smooth your hand down his body, straight down to his hard cock, which you grab through his sweats immediately he bucks into your hand as well as giving out a startled moan.

"Y/N," he hisses, and you reach up to kiss his jaw, telling him to hush. You start to pump him slowly, and he groans into your neck. His hips buck up to into your hand, and you move your hand up and then under his sweats grabbing him without any barriers, causing him to let out a hiss and a few swear words.

"Dammit Y/N!" he shouts when you drag your nails gently down his length.

"So good," he moans.

"That's it baby," you coax him, before leaning forward and bringing your lips together, he moans into the kiss, grabbing your face, and sliding a hand into your hair, pulling you to him.
He starts to clench the sleeping bag in one hand and uses the other to hold you tightly to him.
By this point you are pumping him quite vigorously and you know he is on the edge when he lets out a large moan and starts to physically shake. Seconds later he shouts out your name and his cock jerks forcefully in your hand drenching it in his cum.
You bring your fingers up to your lips and take a lick whilst staring into Steve's eyes.
He groans and grabs you by the hips, flipping you over and settling his body in-between your thighs. His piercing baby blue eyes look feral with lust and he grins at you roguishly.

"Your turn Y/N" he purrs. 

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