You Are Mine (I Am Yours)

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"Look at you.." you mused as your eyes gazed down on his flushed body.

Steve groaned as you pet his hair before reaching down to his stomach. With two fingers you scooped up some of his cum and stuck them in your mouth, moaning at his taste.

A light sheen of sweat could be seen on his body as you moved to straddle his groin. With a smirk you ground your pussy against his cock, feeling the vein pulse between your wet lips. Steve threw his head back on the pillow as he sucked in a shaky breath.

"Fuck... please, doll.." His voice was higher pitched than usual and he looked at you with pleading eyes. "I need you so bad.. it aches so much.. need to cum."

"But Daddy... you just came," you teased. The look that flashed in his eyes sent a shiver through your body.

"You know what I mean." You raised your eyebrows and smiled innocently. How could you say no when he looked so pretty beneath you?

"Okay Daddy.. you've been good for me." You rolled your hips against him again, moaning when he met your movements, his head almost penetrating your hole.

Finally, you decided to quit teasing him. You crouched above him and grabbed his thick cock, guiding it to your waiting pussy. The two of you moaned in harmony, his louder than yours as your tight heat surrounded him.

His hips sharply bucked upwards, driving him deeper, causing you to make a noise that was a half moan, half squeal. Slowly you began to bounce on his cock, watching as he relished in the pleasure.

"Oh fuck yes.. love how your pussy squeezes my cock, baby girl.. such a good little cockslut."

You whimpered at his words and your walls clenched around him. You could feel some more wetness trickle down his shaft.

You leaned down to kiss him while rolling your hips in a circular motion, moaning into his mouth as you do. Your tongues battle for dominance and you pulled back to squeal as you felt a hand come down on your ass.

That's when you remembered he broke free earlier. The look in his eyes was of a fiery passion and you took a deep breath before smirking down at him.

He smirked back and you gasped as he sat up and grabbed your ass, holding you down on his lap until his length was completely inside you.

Shameless whines came from your throat as he ground his hips against yours. "Oh, Daddy... oh, yes..!" You grasped his hair tightly in your hands as you felt his teeth bite down on one of your erect nipples. The sensation sent a shock wave through your body and your walls pulsed around him.

Steve grunted, enjoying the hard tug you gave his hair as he teased your nipple with his tongue before sucking on it momentarily.

You sobbed as you climaxed without any warning. You were so worked up from teasing him for so long. He groaned against your breast. Despite how close he was earlier, his super soldier stamina hadn't reached its peak yet. However, you both knew it wouldn't be long.

Your walls tightened as you rode out your orgasm, your hands holding his head against your chest while you bounced on his cock.

With no previous indication he lifted you off of his lap and you whined when your wet hole was left to clench around nothing. Thankfully, he did not keep you wanting for long.

Steve held you in his arms as he flipped you both, placing you onto the mattress beneath him. Before you had any chance to say a word, your thoughts were replaced by pleasure as he thrust inside you.

"Yes, Steve! Oh fuck me harder!" you called out as he began to fuck you senseless. You wrapped your arms around his waist and moaned while you raked your nails down his back. The sting of your nails only made him grunt and you became a babbling mess beneath him.

"You. Are. Mine!" Each word was accompanied by a hard thrust as Steve spoke. He seemed to growl like an animal and you absolutely loved it.

"Yes, I am yours.. all yours.." Somehow you managed to utter those words; perhaps it was instinct because your entire being shook with the knowledge that you were his.

Your breathing hitched and you cried out with pleasure as you began to orgasm yet again. You lost control over your body and screamed as your thighs trembled around his waist.

"Oh, doll.. fuck, you're squirting.." Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you barely acknowledged what he was saying. Tears streamed down your face from the intensity because it felt like it wouldn't stop.

Moments later the movement of his hips became more erratic as he reached the end himself. With a gutteral moan he stilled as he came inside you, filling you up with his hot seed. Your moans echoed in his ears as you felt the warmth and you embraced the feeling.

His body soon collapsed on top of yours and you felt his hot breaths on your stomach.

"Fuck.." he groaned as he moved just enough to pull out of you. You could see how relaxed he was now while the two of you basked in the aftermath. His voice was audible enough just for you to make out what he was saying, "Thank you, doll.."

You smiled lovingly as you reached down and gently thread your fingers through his damp hair. "You're welcome, Stevie." As he fell asleep, you hummed a soft tune, smiling to yourself as you felt some of his cum dripping from your heat.

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