Neighbours (Smut)

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The first time I had met him was the day he moved in. I had baked a cake and knocked onto his apartment door, expecting just a regular nice new neighbour.

But when he had opened the door, I had realized that wouldn't be the case.
Unfortunately, the man was hot.
And by hot I mean insanely hot.

He was tall, very tall, broad shoulders, large arms, golden blond hair and the most stunning blue eyes I had ever seen.

»H-hi«, I had uttered, quickly pulling myself together. »I wanted to welcome you to the house. I'm (Y/N), I live right there«, I had introduced myself, gesturing towards the door right on the other side of the hallway.

His lips had turned into a gorgeous smile. »Nice to meet you, (Y/N)«, his eyes had twinkled as he said my name, »I'm Steve. Steve Rogers.«

»I made you a raspberry cake, Steve«, I had chuckled as I had handed it over to him. »I hope you like raspberries.«

Steve Rogers' lips had turned upwards even further. »It's my favourite.«
His eyes had went over my face slowly as if he was trying to look right into my soul.
»Do you want to come in?«

In my mind, I had checked my schedule for the day. Grocery shopping, laundry and girls night with my besties Wanda and Natasha.
»I suppose I do have some spare time«, I had grinned and he had let me in.

His apartment looked very similar to mine, just mirrored and the interior seemed much more expensive than mine.
»I see you've already unpacked«, I had smiled as we walked into the living room.

»Yes, I hired a company to help«, he had replied, sitting down on a fancy armchair and gesturing me to take place on the large sofa.
»How long have you been living here?«, Steve had then asked as my eyes scanned the room.

»Almost two years«, I had answered as I tried to analyze the abstract piece of art that was hanging on the wall.

I had spent the rest of the afternoon at his apartment and I had learned that he was an architect who only came to this town recently.

After that, the two of us ran into each other quite frequently.
Most of the times it were just friendly encounters when we were both on our way to work or getting the mail or doing laundry.

Sometimes, we even flirted a little (which happened more often than I wanted to admit, given the fact I had a boyfriend).

But there were some times, where I tended to embarrass myself.

It had been around 10pm when I came back from the gym.

The day had been quite stressful at work and I had decided to blow off some steam by working out.
Assuming no one would be in staircase at this time, I had thrown my gym clothes directly into the washing machine and had sprinted upstairs in just bra and panties.

But of course, the odds were not in my favor.

Just as I had reached my apartment, fumbling for my keys, the door on the other side of the hall had opened.

»Oh-«, I had heard Steve Rogers rasp.

I had turned around far to quickly and my keys fell to the ground. Deciding to play the fact that I was wearing next to nothing cool, I had just went with a (very dumb sounding), »Hello, neighbour«.

My lovely neighbour looked absolutely stunning. The grey sweatpants and white shirt he was wearing was a stark contrast to the fancy suits I was used to seeing him in. His hair was messy and under his arm he was carrying a laundry basket.
Steve had cleared his throat and quickly averted his gaze. Ever the gentleman, of course.

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