You're very sexy

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Steve woke to an empty bed, clutching at blankets and pillows. He groaned and turned onto his stomach, sheets sliding between his thighs.

He thought about last night. Her thighs, so softly enveloped around his waist. The delicate skin between them. Her mouth, gaping slightly open, and eyelashes fluttering on cheeks. The heaving of her chest. And the sounds that she made, breathy and urgent.

He buried his smile in the pillow laying by his head, kicking his legs about in the sheets. He could hear her now; the radio in the kitchen was on and she was singing along. He swung out of bed and grabbed some joggers to throw on over his boxers.

Wandering into the kitchen, he found her dancing around with a spatula. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt and shorts. Her hair was messy and there was black smudged around her eyes. Facing the counter, her head was swaying and hips doing a cute little jiggle. Steve leaned against the doorway, arms folded across his chest, waiting for her to notice him.

She eventually did whilst performing a twirl, eyes widening and scurrying forwards to grab at his hands. He was tugged into the kitchen to join in, settling for a decidedly amateur swing style dance, punctuated by many stumbles. She raised one of his hands above their heads, spinning under their arms. Steve kept them raised and did one himself, grinning at her cackles of laughter. They swayed slowly together, out of time with the music, gazing with lazy eyelids.

"Will you help me with the big guy?" she asked. Her eyes flitted towards the turkey sat on the side. It was gigantic.

Steve glanced at the mess she had already made on the side, chopping boards overflowing with vegetables and flour from the pastry scattered everywhere. "You don't need to do this right now, honey. We've got ages," Steve replied coolly, his hands running up and down her sides.

She frowned. "No, I don't think you understand. Seriously. We need to get this in the oven right away. There's literally so many people coming." Her hands were loosely resting on his shoulders, thumbs stroking the nape of his neck.

"It'll be fine, I promise. It's seven right now, we have six hours," he reassured her.

"Steve." Her hands slid round to hold his face, eyes wide and pleading.


"It's important to me that we get this right. Please help me."

"We will. I will. Can we at least have breakfast first?" he asked.

"Okay," she replied.

He kissed her on the nose. And then on the mouth. "Eggs?"

"Yes please."

Steve grabbed a pan and got started with whisking a few eggs. [Y/N] went back to her chopping board.

"Do you think we should have gotten two turkeys?" she asked.

His head turned to give her an incredulous look. "No. Definitely not. It's fucking massive." He waved a fork at the bird.

"But we've got two super-soldiers to feed. And a hulk," she argued.

"Bruce eats a normal amount. Plus we also invited an android. I don't think Vision eats anything."

Her protests fell silent. She just stared at Steve's back, watching the muscles there flex as he threw bread into the toaster and stirred the eggs. He looked back at her and she gave a lazy smile, chin resting on her palm.

"Finish the stuffing, sweetheart," he teased.

"You're very sexy," she replied.


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