-New Neighbour Pt.2- Steve Rogers x Reader (fluff)

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After your awkward first encounter you don't see Steve for a few days.
The next time you see him is after a super long and stressful day at work.
You just finished having a long shower and were currently in an oversized hoody, short shorts and big fuzzy socks aka ultimate comfort mode.
You were listening to some relaxing music again and were drinking the wine straight from the bottle, yea it had been one of those types of days, when your door bell rung.
Thinking it was one of the girls from work, probably coming to vent, you call out telling them you'll be there in a second.

What you don't expect to find on the other side of the door is your hunk of a neighbour, Steve Rogers.

"Steve! Hi! How can I help you?" you ask him, actually sounding like a normal person, 'yay go you,' you praise yourself.

"Hey Y/N, I just wanted to return your plate," he tells you and you notice for the first time that he does, in fact, have your plate in his hand.

"Oh cool, thanks," you tell him.

"No thank you! Those cookies where fantastic! So delicious!" he tells you, a blush rising on his cheeks from his own word vomit.

"No problem," you tell him sincerely, with a warm smile on your face.

You get the feeling there is something else he wants from you when you both just stand there, silent, for an amount of time that it almost becomes weird.

"Uh, needed something else Steve?" you prompt him gently.

"Oh yea, yea, I mean no, uh, I'm fine, have a good night," he tells you spinning around to go back to his own apartment.
And then stops mid spin and turns back to you.

"Well actually, I was wondering if you could help me with something?" he asks you, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Sure thing," you tell him and you swear you see him sigh in relief.

Apparently, Steve needed help with his phone, he had somehow set an alarm on it that went off at 1 in the morning and had no idea how to switch it off.
After easily solving that problem he seemed to have a list of others revolving around his phone.

Turned out Steve had no idea how to use his phone, literally none, not even the simple stuff.

And that's how Steve ended up inside your apartment, sitting next to you on your couch, a cup of tea in his hands and staring intently over your shoulder, watching in awe and listening with apt attention to everything you said and did.

In his defence he was at least a fast learner.

"So this is how you put new numbers in, and how you change the name and save it permanently to your phone," you explain, pressing all the appropriate buttons.
You look up to see his eyes glued to the screen, watching everything you did, before looking up at you an unsure look on his face.

"Could you, I mean, would, can, I, uh?" he starts to babble making zero sense at all.

"Hahaha, Steve calm down," you giggle out, and he chuckles lightly with you, before rubbing his neck, which you think is a nervous tick of his.

"Well I was wondering if I could have your number?" he asks, and your eyes widen slightly.
"I mean, cause you're my neighbour, and if I need help with anything, or if YOU need help with anything you can call me, I think it's a good idea," he starts to ramble, but you just smile and start to put your number in, before calling yourself to get his number.

"Sure thing Steve, I have almost all of the building's tenants numbers, it's good to have them in case of emergencies," you tell him a reassuring smile on his face and you visibly see him relax with a large sigh.

It's gotten late and Steve excuses himself after thanking you multiple times, just as you get into bed you receive a text from Steve thanking you one last time and wishing you a good sleep, you go to bed with a smile on your face.

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