-Stake out Pt.2- Steve x Reader (Smut)

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Steve undresses you roughly.
Your shirt flung to the other side of the tent, and from the audible rip you were sure you would find your pants tomorrow in at least two pieces instead of one.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispers as his hands caress every inch of your body.

He peppers your breasts with kisses while his hands slide under the elastic of your panties, pushing them off and down your hips.
He firmly strokes two fingers against your clit.

"Do you like that?" he mumbles as he inserts a finger into you slowly pulling it in and out as his thumb rubbed your clit in circular motions.

Your breath hitches as he quickens the pace of his finger, and then inserts another.
You could feel your walls tightening as your body built up for an intense orgasm.
Steve quickly pulls his fingers from you and slides his way down between your legs bringing his mouth to your wetness and licking with a hunger.
You twisted your fingers into his hair as you buck your hips one last time.
That's all it took.
You moan out his name as you reach your peak, your hands tangled in his hair and pulling sharply at the short strands.
He pulls away wiping his face on the back of his hand as he quickly removes his pants completely, and positions himself back in-between your thighs.

"You're sure?" he whispers, looking slightly vulnerable.

It is such a stark contrast to his fierce 'Captain America' face that you reach up and hold on to his cheek bringing your lips together for a soft kiss.

"Yes. Steve, please. Fuck me," You whisper spreading your legs further apart to bring him flush with your entire body.

He lines himself up and thrusts quickly and roughly.
You gasp in pleasure, and let out a pleased sigh.
You began to roll your hips as he glides in and out of you.

"God, you feel amazing," he groans as plays with your breasts. You shift so he could enter deeper and he moans with appreciation.

"What do you want doll?" he rasps, eyes clouded over with desire.

"I want you to let go, give me everything," you sigh with a smirk as you roll your hips.

That's all he needs.
Steve begins thrusting into you with an intensity that causes the tightness to coil in your muscles again.

"I want you to cum for me again," he whispers into your ear as he pounds into you faster and deeper.

You were so close you couldn't physically form the words with your mouth.
You tip over the edge again, calling out his name and grasping him to you tightly.
He moans your name as your orgasm causes his own climax.
He freezes for a moment before pulling himself out and laying on his back.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his side, tucking you in closes, your head nestled on his chest.

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time," he finally admits with a grin.

"Me too," You respond as you snuggle your head into his neck.

"We should do it more often," he voices quietly.

"I'd like that," you respond with the same softness in your voice.

Steve hums in acknowledgment as his fingers draw patterns up and down your back.
"Whatever you want, doll. As long as I get to spend time with you.... I'm okay with anything."

"Careful what you agree to, Captain Rogers," You giggle squeezing his middle.

He lets out a soft chuckle, kissing your forehead, before you both fall asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

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