I Need You

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"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck..!" You cried out as your walls clenched tightly around the vibrating dildo inside your soaking heat. You were sitting on an armchair across the room, pushing the toy in and out of yourself. On the other side of the room, Steve was still handcuffed to the bed, looking more hungrier by the second.

Your - his shirt, rather.. was on the floor somewhere but you still had your panties on, knowing exactly what your man liked to see. Unfortunately for him, you didn't have them pushed to the side. As you sat there with your legs spread wide and one hand down your underwear with the dildo, he couldn't see what he so desperately wanted to at the moment.

You turned up the intensity and screamed as your body convulsed. The orgasm was so intense that you almost squirted and were left gasping for air. His dark eyes were on you the entire time, practically turning green with envy. That was supposed to be him inside you. That was supposed to be him making you scream.. not some damn toy.

As you took a few moments to gather your breath, you could feel his eyes on you as your breasts moved with each deep breath and you smirked. Without making eye contact you reached up with both hands and toyed with your nipples. You moaned loudly from the sensitivity, but also because you wanted to make him desperate. Your nipples were hard and puffy from the pinching and twisting you'd done to them.

With light steps you stood up and walked over to the side of the bed. You licked your lips seeing how much pre-cum he had been leaking just from watching you.

"Oh, Daddy.. you look so delicious." With an innocent smile you leaned over and took him into your mouth. Almost immediately he moaned with desperation. You felt the way his cock twitched as you stuffed your mouth as full as you could.

"Shit.. oh fuck, baby girl.. that feels so good," he said with a hoarse voice. His hips bucked upwards and you fought back your gag reflex, smirking around his length as you pushed his hips back down. You sucked hard and moaned from the taste of his pre-cum that coated your tongue. He was so aroused that you knew he wasn't going to last much longer, if his noises were any indication.

A few more sucks later and you quickly pulled off of him. His body arched off of the bed as his hips moved of their own accord, chasing the friction that was no longer there.

"Fuck.. fuck.." His voice trembled as he gasped for air. He was right on the edge but it wasn't enough. The corner of your mouth lifted as you heard him mutter, "Please..."

You watched his muscles tense then relax several times as the pleasure stabilized again and he was no longer on the verge of orgasm. Surprisingly, he had yet to break the new handcuffs, whether purposefully or not.

"Not yet, Daddy.. no, sir." You playfully wagged your finger at him as if you were scolding a child.

You twirled around gracefully and swayed your hips as you walked over to the dresser. Glancing back at him you smirked before returning to the side of the bed. This time you had a riding crop in your hand and you swear you saw him get harder, if that was even possible.

Humming to yourself, you placed it flat on his chest and trailed it down his body, stopping just before his happy trail ended. You could tell a shiver had gone up his spine but acted as if you didn't notice, focusing on what you were doing though you could feel his heated gaze piercing through you.

His hands were clenched tightly as he tried to roll his hips towards the riding crop, needing any sort of friction and let out an exasperated sigh.

You continued on for a few minutes before gently swiping it over one of his nipples. He flinched and you smiled, granting yourself a look at his face. His skin was flushed, as was the rest of his body, his eyes were dark and his lips were parted. Beads of perspiration clung to his hair. There was the needy, deprived beast you loved to see.

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