Let Me Take Care of You

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Steve sat on the over sized armchair that sat in the living room of your shared apartment when you walked in. You smiled seeing him fresh out of the shower, his blond hair wet and unkempt and a towel snug around his waist, hiding what was beneath. Before he could notice, you scurried into the bedroom to change. Once you were done, you strolled over and pecked his cheek, seeing what book he had his nose buried in while hiding something behind your back.

"Hey dollface," he said, looking up into your eyes with a smile that tried to hide the tiredness you saw was there. Earlier that morning he came back from a two-week long mission and you knew what you were going to do that night, as long as he was up to it.

"Hey Stevie," you said lovingly, taking the book from him and setting it on the end table. He watched as you swung your hips around so that you straddled his lap with your arms behind his head.

He caught on that you were up to something and raised an eyebrow, "What are you hiding, doll?" His eyes looked you up and down noticing that you were in one of his t-shirts.

You giggled softly as you gave him a quick peck on his rough lips. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yes.. I would very much like to know, kitten." His hands touched your thighs, feeling you up until they rested on your hips beneath the shirt and he felt the thin waistband of your panties.

Whenever he called you 'kitten' you knew that was the sign that he was up for whatever you had in mind. You smiled softly and rolled your hips against his muscular thighs.

"Don't worry.. let me take care of you, Daddy." You carefully slid off his lap and reached for his hand, wanting him to get up. He complied, eyeing you as you held something behind your back with the other. "I'm gonna make you feel good, Daddy. You deserve it." You gently nudged him towards the bedroom and he obeyed. Before he reached the bed you quickly snatched the towel from around his waist and grinned cheekily as he sent a playful glare your way.

As he settled on the bed as was customary you could tell he was already getting aroused as his member twitched slightly. You checked yourself out in the full length mirror next to the dresser, purposefully arching your back and sticking your ass out so he could see the light blue lacy panties that clad your nether regions.

With a sigh you walked over to him with an innocent smile and crawled on the bed before settling on his waist. You smirked as you brought the brand new hand cuffs out from behind your back. "You messed up the other ones last time, Daddy.. I had to get new ones." You feigned disappointment and he gave you an apologetic look. "But don't worry, these will probably feel more comfortable for you anyway."

He instinctively raised his arms so you could bind them with the handcuffs and you wiggled your hips as you placed the key on the night stand. Both of you knew that Steve could get out of them if he really wanted to; but he didn't want to. He let you have control because he needed this.

You inspected your handiwork and once satisfied, you leaned down to kiss him, but it was not a mere peck this time. You ground your hips against him as the two of you kissed passionately. You could feel how tense his body was beneath you, but that was about to change.

Needing to catch your breath, you raised your head and sighed. With a smirk you turned around on his lap, to which he tried to move his arms to grab your butt, momentarily forgetting that he was restrained. "Nuh uh Daddy.. I'm taking care of you tonight."

Your ass hovered just a few inches above his face and he could see and smell how wet you were. He so desperately wanted to taste you and you knew it. He gasped suddenly as you took his hardening member into your mouth without a hint.

You hummed around his length, sending vibrations along his shaft, while working what you couldn't fit with your hands.

"Fuck, baby girl, you have such a mouth on you..." he moaned, lightly tugging on the handcuffs that tied him to the headboard.

The wet, dirty sounds of your spit coating his cock resonated in the room, as did his breaths that quickened. You could feel yourself getting wetter and knew he could see the growing wet spot on your panties. You supported yourself with one arm while your free hand moved to cup his balls. You fondled them gently, squeezing lightly which made his breath hitch.

With a pop you pulled off of his now completely erect member and looked over your shoulder at him, letting him see the spit dribbling down your chin before you wiped it away.

"Do you want to taste me, Daddy?" You lowered your ass to his chest so he could no longer see the growing wetness that hid in your panties.

"Yes, baby.. You're so wet already, let Daddy have a taste." His voice was still steady but you knew by the end of the night you would have him begging for you.

With a giggle you reached back and pulled the fabric to the side, exposing your glistening pussy to him. You couldn't help but moan as you felt his hot breath against your folds and knew what was to come. You straddled his head and sank down, squealing with delight as his tongue immediately found your clit. "Ohh! That feels so good.."

You placed your hands on his abdomen to steady yourself as you relished in the pleasure he was giving you. His tongue swirled around your exposed nub and you cried out from the sensitivity. He knew his way around your body and you were grateful for it. Moans parted your lips as you rolled your hips down against his face. A higher-pitched moan followed when you felt his tongue slip right into your pussy.

"Yes.. yess.. oh yes, tongue fuck me Daddy, make my pussy come all over your face.." You watched as his cock twitched noticeably and leaked precum from the tip; he loved giving as much as he did receiving.

You were already so aroused that you knew you wouldn't last long to begin with. Your thighs quivered on either side of his head as your walls began to clench around his intruding tongue. A low grumble emitted from within his chest as he ate you out, greedily lapping up all the juices that you produced.

"Oh, Daddy! I'm coming! I'm coming!!" You cried out his name as you rolled your hips down frantically, chasing the pleasure. As your breathing quickened you sounded as if you ran a marathon. You whimpered as you felt his greedy tongue and lips capturing and tasting all of what you gave.

A few moments later you moved away and you could swear you heard him whine in protest. You turned around and kissed him roughly; you loved being able to taste yourself on his lips.

Steve gazed up at you as you sat up on his thighs, pushing your long hair away from your face. His blue eyes were dark, his pupils dilated with lust and his skin was becoming flushed with arousal. You reached up and grasped your breasts, giving them a squeeze as you met his gaze with a sultry look.

"Damn baby you are just so sexy.." His lips were parted slightly as you could see a few drops of your arousal clinging to his chin and you smirked.

"You're damn right I am," you teased, grinding your sensitive core down against him, making him groan. "Your cock is so hard, Daddy.. I can't wait to have it inside me. Can't wait to be filled with your cum..."

In a flash you were off the bed and you smiled, seeing a hint of desperation in his eyes. You weren't done with him, not yet.

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