Sweet Little Soldier

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"What's the matter?" you asked, gently cupping his face. Steve looked at you.

"Well, I have to be honest with you...I don't have a lot of ...experience."

You smiled at him. "My sweet little soldier.. I have enough for the both of us. Now kiss me."

He gently held the back of your neck and pulled you closer to him, kissing you passionately. You ran your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly. That earned a moan from him. You deepened the kiss, trailing your hands down to his chest. He shuddered slightly. You took note of how responsive he was.

"Steve," you breathed against his lips. "Lay back on the bed for me."

"Sure thing, ma'am."

"I want you to pleasure yourself."

You could see the nervousness on his face so you reached out and held onto his hand.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, my sweet little soldier."
You guided his hand to his cock and slowly wrapped it around, your hand over his.

"Go on, Steven." you encouraged. His nerves gradually dissipated as he began stroking, being replaced by jolts of pleasure. He stroked a bit faster, your hand still over his.

"That's it, Steven. Good boy." you praised him.

You moved your hand along with his and relished the sweet moans coming from him. He leaned his head back against the headboard, gripping the sheets with his other hand. You could feel your arousal building at the sight. The way his face contorted as both your hands moved up and down his cock. Your own hand reached between your legs and slipped past your wet, swollen folds. One finger, then two pumping inside you at the same pace he was stroking.

"Oh my God!" he gasped as he looked at you. "Fuck, you're gonna make me cum just from looking at you." he whimpered.

"Go on then," you smirked. " We have all night to do everything we want to do. Cum for me."

You moved your hand as he began going faster. Fucking his hand with fervent need. He used his other hand to massage your breasts as he got closer to his release.

"Oh, you're doing so good, Steve" you moaned.

You could feel your own orgasm being spurred on. Your pussy gripping your fingers. With a loud grunt, he came, hot cum spurting onto his hand and stomach. Your own release followed. You pulled out your fingers and sucked on them while looking him in the eyes. Then, you took his hand and licked the cum off. He licked his lips, eyes filled with lust.

You moved to get off the bed. "Where are you going?"

"Gonna add a little spice."

You walked over to your closet and retrieved a pair of handcuffs and a riding crop. He stilled and you could see a blush creep onto his face when he saw the items you were holding.

"You- you want me to use those on you?"

"Oh no, angel face. I an going to use these on you. Would you like that?"

His cock twitched, already starting to get hard again. "Yes."

"Wonderful. Now if at any point, you're uncomfortable, please let me know. This is for your enjoyment. I don't want to hurt you."

"But what if I want you to hurt me, ma'am?"

You smiled at him. Getting onto the bed, you straddled him and took his hands, putting the handcuffs on and securing them to the metal headboard. You kissed him, moving your lips to his jaw then his neck where you lingered. He writhed under you, his cock rubbing against you.

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