-New Neighbour- Steve Rogers x Reader (Fluff)

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You find a motorbike out the front of the building, the first indicator that someone new had moved into the building.
The next indicator was the stack of boxes outside the door of the apartment across from yours.

'New neighbours,' you sighed to yourself, having your fingers crossed they weren't going to be noisy, since like any sane person you enjoyed your sleep.
You decided just like you did with every neighbour before this one to make them a peace offering/welcome to the building present of some baked goods.
Although they had boxes out the front door you couldn't hear anything happening in the apartment and decided to meet them later.
You did your usual home routine, changing into something comfier, before pouring yourself a glass of wine and putting on some relaxing music, usually an acoustic covers playlist, before pulling out your baking book and settling on a classic choc-chip cookie recipe.
When the cookies were cool, you pilled them on a plate and walked out of your apartment and to your next-door neighbour's door, noticing all the boxes were gone.

You knocked lightly, suddenly nervous, 'remember to smile,' you told yourself, lifting your lips into what you hoped was a casual grin.
You weren't expecting who opened the door.
He was clearly a model or something similar, blonde hair and blue eye perfection.
He was also sporting a dazzling smile.
'It should be illegal to look this good' you thought to yourself.

"Hello," he eventually said and you internally cringed for standing there for so long looking like a complete idiot.

"Oh! Hi! I-I'm your neighbour,"
'why am I stuttering? And why did I just point back to my door like a dumb ass?' I then shoved the cookies at him like some maniac.

"I made you some cookies to say 'welcome'" you word vomited.
'What is wrong with you?!' you berated yourself.
He has a cute and adorably amused look on his face. 'Uh oh' I think 'cute? Yea, okay that's why I'm acting crazy' I mentally slap my forehead.

"Hi, I'm Steve Rogers, thank you Miss...?" he trails off, making you feel like even more of a moron for not telling him your name.

"Oh! Y/N, I'm Y/N Y/L/N, but call me Y/N/N, no one calls me by my full name" you tell him, not being able to keep your mouth shut.

"Y/N," he says, his smile getting even larger, and you feel your heart flip around in your chest from hearing his amazing voice say your name.

You can feel your cheeks straining slightly from smiling and second guess whether you look creepy or not.
After possibly too long you finally come to your senses and manage a decent reply.

"Well, welcome, uh Steve, I hope you like the cookies, and uh, if you need help with anything, you know where to find me," I tell him, unfortunately hooking my thumb over my shoulder to point at my door dumbly again, and I internally cringe.

"Okay, well bye," I tell him, quickly spinning around and retreating to my own apartment.
'So dumb,' I tell myself.

"Thank you, Kacey," he says, "for the cookies and the offer," he tells me, and I dumbly turn around and stick my thumbs up, before quickly shutting the door.

'Thumbs up?!' I'm a moron.

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