Fake-dating (smut)

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»I'm going to put my arm around you now, is that alright?«, Bucky whispered into my ear. »Of course. We're on a mission after all. We have to do what we can to portray the perfect couple«, I replied and gave him a small smile.
Bucky smiled back and put his arm around my waist.

Although I told myself we would keep this on a very professional level, I still felt quite guilty towards Steve, my boyfriend. We had been dating for a few weeks now but we didn't tell anyone about us yet. Not even Steve's best friend Bucky.

Steve didn't know that I was out on a mission yet. Tony had told me that he believed Steve had a thing for me, which was why he refused to tell him about my upcoming mission with Bucky.

»You look stunning tonight, by the way. Silver suits you«, Bucky said as we walked towards the nightclub. »Suits you too«, I grinned, side-eyeing his metal arm. He wore a black suit, looking absolutely dashing. If I hadn't already been with Steve, I would have probably gotten a crush on him. I mean, who wouldn't?

I adjusted the short silver dress again. »Let's get this bread«, I muttered, put on my most beautiful smile and walked up to the bouncer.
»How can I help you?«, he asked with a grim voice. »My girlfriend lost her diamond bracelet here yesterday«, Bucky stated.
»That's none of my business«, the bouncer replied.

»But I will be very, very sad if I don't get it back«, I said, batting my lashes at the man.
»You don't want my girlfriend to be sad, do you«, Bucky looked at the bouncer's name tag, »Rodney?«
I smiled at Bucky and kissed his cheek softly. Then I put my hands on the bouncer's chest, looking up at him with a flirtatious smile. »Would you please let us search for my bracelet? It means a lot to me, Rodney...«, I told him.
»Alright, you have fifty minutes«, Rodney said and opened the door for us.

»Damn, I didn't know you were this good at flirting«, Bucky smirked. »Well, wait until you see how I'll get information out of D'Antonio«, I replied and winked at him.
Ardito D'Antonio was the owner of the club we had just entered. He had been known for money laundering, human trafficking and even murder for a while now but the FBI hadn't been able to prove it.

That's where Bucky and I came in. We were supposed to play the basic, rich couple who just happened to stumble across D'Antonio. Our plan was to talk to him a little, befriend him and find out more about his plans.
Tony believed that I'd be able to get quite a lot of information out of him as I ›perfectly fit his type‹. And Bucky was there to keep me safe.

»There he is«, he mumbled and pulled me closer to him. »Are you sure you wanna do this, doll?«
I nodded. »I want to see this man fall«, I replied, gave him another smile and walked off to Ardito D'Antonio.

»Hi, has anyone seen a diamond bracelet?«, I asked with my sweetest smile.
»Well hello there«, I heard D'Antonio say.
»Hi handsome, you haven't seen my bracelet, have you?«, I flirted, walking up to him slowly.
His two bodyguards eyed me suspiciously.
»Radoslav, Stracimir, go search for the Lady's bracelet«, D'Antonio told them and waved me over. The bodyguards left and I walked over to the criminal.

»I'm Ardito«, he smiled and held out his hand. I took it and returned his smile as I told him a fake name.
»Very nice to meet you, principessa«, Ardito said and pulled me onto his lap. »So you're searching for your bracelet?«, he asked.
»Yes, my boyfriend gave it to me for our anniversary a few days ago and now he's super mad I already lost it«, I complained, making sure my body was close to his.

»I'm sorry to hear that. Radoslav and Stracimir will find your bracelet, don't worry about it. In the meanwhile, we can have some fun«, he smirked and brushed his thumb over my bottom lip.
»Don't you want to tell me a little something about you first?«, I asked, batting my eyelashes. D'Antonio grinned. »I'm a businessman.«
»What kind of business? You seem like such an interesting man«, I moaned into his ear.
»Dangerous business«, D'Antonio replied and winked at me. »That's hot«, I muttered and licked my lips slowly.

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