Cleaning Up

953 13 37

TW: accidental murder, desperation(?), framed suicide

(maris pov)

I stand there for a few seconds, not realizing what just happened. I open my eyes to see more bubbles in the water with a slightly more red tint.

Oh lord.

"Oh no. Oh no oh no NO NO!!" I scream. I dive into the water and grab Sunnys limp body. I pull him up and lay him on the grass.

"SUNNY!! CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I yell desperately.

He feels cold. Why does he feel cold? He's alive, right?

"Um... Umm.. what do I do?!"

I push on his chest, nothing happens. I reach into my jacket's pocket in an attempt to grab my phone to call 911.

"What... Did I leave it at the house?! NO NO NO"

I bring Sunny in my arms and hold his head to my chest then I start crying.


I see his face turning paler, scratches and bruises all over his body. I look at my hands that were holding Sunnys head.

They were stained red.

    I take off my jacket and wrap it around his head, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Sunny... Sunny... wake up, p-please... I'm sorry... im.. so sorry... I didn't mean to push you... please just wake up and we can talk about this at home..." I guiltily say as I stroke his head.

My vision starts to warp. This is all a dream, right? This is fake... right...?

I see a blurry figure stand in front of me, though I can only see their shoes. I wouldn't be able to tell who it was even if I could see the whole figure.

"M..Mari...?" The figure said. They have a masculine and mature voice.

The figure walked closer and fell to their knees.

"Oh lord...W-What... happened..?" They say. They look up at me and ask some questions that I can hardly comprehend.

     "Mari, did you call the ambulance yet?!"

      "I'm a monster..."

       " No your not, please j-just answer my question.. I won't think any less of you."

     They're still talking but.. now its muffled. I can't hear them anymore. Suddenly, they grab my shoulders and shout.

"MARI! Mari... listen... I-.. I know how we can fix this..." They stand up then continues to help me up as well, but I never take my eyes off of Sunny. I hold him with one hand while the figure drags me with the other. As we walk, I hear short and sharp breaths along with shoet fits of hyperventilating. We reach a place that I assume is my house. Once we get inside, they stop for a moment and lets go of my hand. They holding their ribs.

    "A-Ah.... M..Mari... I'm.. so sorry.. J-Just.. don't worry. Everything is going to be okay. Afterall, I am y-your hero..!" They say, with a forced laugh at the end

    We continue walking and we reach the kitchen. The figure opens a door and pulls out the sharpest knife they can find. They then drag me to the bathroom and set the knife down on the sink. They let go of my hand and turn around.

    "Can you hand me Sunny...?" They nervously ask

    I look up and then look back at Sunny. I hug him tight, take the jacket off his head and reluctantly give the figure Sunny...

    The figure takes Sunny and props him up on the wall next to the sink. The figure then grabs the knife once more.

"I-I'm so...sorry..."


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