A Dream

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Welcome to White Space
You've been living here for as long as you can remember.

(hikki's pov)

    I open my eyes to see a blinding white ceiling above me. I sit up to see more monotone things in front of me. I stand up and examine the room, despite knowing it all to well. I look up and see a dark light bulb above my head. I reach up my paper white hand up to touch it. I can hardly reach but i twist it a little with my fingerips. I bring my hand down and I turn around and walk to my cat. Her name is Mewo. I squat down and give her a little pet.

    "Meow?(waiting for something to happen?)"

    I stand up once more and walk to the tissue box. A bunch of thin paper to wipe your sorrows away.

    I walk to my sketchbook and kneel down. I flip through the pages and look at my drawings. I only have three crayons, though. I close the sketch book and look to my left. I crawl over to my computer. For a while, I just stare at it, and then play a game. I have the highscore.

    I stand up a final time and brush off my clothes. I walk to a white door casting a small shadow. I grab the door knob and slowly pull the door open.

    I'm greeted by a bunch of colors and three children. They seem shocked to see me.

    "HIKKI!" One of them shout as they run to me. They're a bit shorter than me. They are wearing a blue nightgown and have long purple hair with a pink bow. "Hi! I missed you so much! We were just playing a game of cards! You can play next round too!"

    "AUBREY!! You messed up the cards!" Another kid complains. They look slightly taller than Aubrey. They're wearing a checkered tanktop with lots of different colors and some shorts. They have short and bouncy purple hair.

    Aubrey turns around. "Whoops... " She said nervously.

    "Ah.. Don't get so upset Kel. We can always play another game later, right?" Someone says.

    "Yeah... I guess.." Kel mutters

    "Thank you for getting him off my case, Basil!" Aubrey exclaims

    "HEY!" Kel says, offended.

    "Aubrey.. That wasn't nice." Basil scolds. He has greenish blue hair and is wearing a green shirt with a pair of overalls. He is also wearing a cute flower crown with blue and pink flowers. "Say sorry."

"Sorry, Kel" Aubrey mumbled

"Anyways, Hikki just got here and Sunny and Hero might want us to visit them!" Basil informs.

    "Ooo Yeah! I wanna visit them!Aubrey chimed.

    "ME TOO, ME TOO!!" Kel beamed.

    "Alright then, Hikki, Are you ready?" Basil Inquires.

    I nod as a response and start heading up the rainbow stairs.

    "Psst! Hikki, you heading out? Heres your allowance!" A snake said. You got 1,000 coins.

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