Nothings Changed

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(b4 starting, i wanna make it known that i think mari can speak short sentences every once in a while, unlike sunny who never spoke until that hospital scene. mari is just v bad at speaking bc, yknow, she hasnt done it for 4 years)

(maris pov)

"So I kinda have an errand to do today ahaha..! But it could be like a "Blast From The Past" kinda day!!" Aubrey gleamed.

    I look at her, confused.

    "..... w-...what i-is thhe- uh- errand...?" I stutter.

    Aubrey seems a little surprised after hearing me talk, but ecstatic, nonetheless.

    "Well, Kel has been out of state for a while because of a basketball tournament and I was thinking of getting him a welcome back gift! Despite how annoying he is sometimes, he's still my friend. I was gonna go to Hobeez. Just like old times!"

    I wait a couple seconds before nodding. Those memorys are a little fuzzy, now...

    "Great!! C'mon! Theres so much we need to talk about!" She laughs.

    As we walk down the sidewalk, I look at all the houses.  My house isn't that far from Hobeez, if I remember correctly.

We arrive at Hobeez, it's still the same ad the last time I saw it. Nothings changed..

"Here we are!" Aubrey exclaims.

    We step inside the old shop and the inside is no different either. I'm surrounded by those old Captain Spaceboy game and Sweetheart movies.

    "Oh, Mari! Look at all this stuff! I think Kel was really the one who liked this place the most. So, I think I have the perfect idea for a gift!" She started, "Do you remember how Kel always wanted a pet rock when he was younger but couldn't afford one?  I'm sure they still sell them here!"

    I point at the counter, motioning that the pet rocks would be there.

    "Then counter? Yeah, that seems about right!!"

    We walk up to the counter, and the man behind it speaks to us almost immediately.

    "Hey, ladies! Would you like to purchase something today?" The clerk asked.

    "Yeah, do you have any pet rocks?" Aubrey questioned.

    "Definitely." The clerk said as he put a rock with a smiley face on the counter. " That'll be $5.99."

     Aubrey put the money on the counter and took the rock. "Thanks! Have a nice day!" Aubrey smiles.

    "Yes! We got that errand done so now we can do whatever we want! We should go to Faraway Park!!! We used to go there all the time when we were young" Aubrey says as we exit the store.

    I nod and we're on our way.

ugh im so sorry this chapter was late!! im so excited for writing the big angsty points in the story that its hard to write these bits. thanks for reading!!!

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