- gasoline -

9 2 3

"Hey, Katsuki? You seem kind of off today."

The demon doesn't reply.

It can't.

The image from earlier today has Katsuki seeing red.

"Well, Katsuki?"

"I'm fine, Mom," Katsuki says at last. He barely processes his surroundings at this point. He barely processes the food as he's eating dinner at the table with her.

He's not angry.

He's not angry.

He's not.

Or at least, that's what he tells himself. That's what he tells himself as he gets lost in the haze, in the flurry of his own emotions.

He wants to laugh.

He now finally understands everything. The truth behind everything has never been clearer.

He's not angry.

He's not.

Why would he be?

He always knew that one day, something like this would happen.

He knew that one day, Deku would do something so incredibly abhorrent like this that it'll force Katsuki to resort to measures that not even he's sure he's capable of doing.

He always knew that Deku would one day betray Katsuki like this.

He always knew.

That idiot.

That fool.

That t r a i t o r.

Katsuki feels sick. He feels sick knowing what Deku's become.

A fucking f a g.

After everything I fucking do for him on a regular basis, this is what I get in return?

A fucking-

Quirkless -

useless -

moronic -

philosopher -

f a g?

After everything I've ever done for him.

After all the times I've tried to push him in the right direction.

This -

is what I get?!

" Katsuki, you're shaking."

Katsuki ignores his mother, lest he fucking blow up the dining room until there's nothing left.

A scowl surfaces.

You're fucking dead, Deku.

And so is that fucking boyfriend of yours. 

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