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-two days later-

-when night falls-

"So, I've been thinking..." Shoto says as he settles into his and Izuku's bed, the latter already settled.

"Since I'm tired of you acting so goddamn depressed all the time, I think something resembling positive reinforcement is due. Even I get tired of all the punishments I deal to you, Izuku."

"So, how about this, Izuku... Within the next couple of days, I'll let you visit any one of your former friends, or family. Anyone, you pick. As long as you promise that after that, you stop moping around and acting so miserable all the time."

Izuku doesn't immediately reply.

Shoto clicks his tongue."Or would you rather I pick which friend you can visit?"

"Who would want to be friends with a helpless greenie," Izuku finally says, miserable, "Even my own mother growing up resented the fact that I was Quirkless."

"True, but she still cared enough about you to raise you."

"Well she's dead now." Izuku mutters. "And she's the only family member I'd pay a visit, if I could."

"What about your former colleagues from your philosophy college? You were always going on about how nice they were to you."

"Sure, they were nice and polite towards me, but when I think about it, they never invited me out anywhere. They never even invited me to join their hangouts they would have during our breaks. I don't think anyone there was ever really comfortable with the fact that someone who was Quirkless was there among their ranks."

"Hm..." Shoto wonders. "Well, there has to be someone you've been wanting to see again, Izuku."

"They're all gone," Izuku murmurs, "Dead, or never really real to begin with."

"What about Kacchan?" Shoto asks.

At that, Izuku flinches, and Shoto hums. " He's still alive and breathing."

"You hate him, though."

"True," Shoto says, "But visiting him with you would definitely be fun for me, too."

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