a kiss? || bachisagi

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fluff!!! fluff!!! rahhh!!!
can i kiss you // isagis a blushing mess // talks with zero experience // i hope my irl doesnt stumble upon this one

heavy editing in process


"Isagi, under what circumstances would you kiss someone?"


Isagi looked up from the laptop to the boy next to him, and his irritated face clearly showed that this question had caught him off-guard.

Him and Bachira had wanted to hold a sleepover for a while already, although it had taken a while to find a free space in their packed calendars. Now they were finally sitting next to each other in Bachira's room, sitting on his futon and watching some movies on his laptop.

It had been a very cool and relaxing evening so far; they had previously played soccer for a while to keep themselves in shape, and then moved to a chill-out program for the rest of the day, consisting of an early dinner, a few card games, Mario Kart matches and finally, a movie marathon. Still, it had been a grand program and a long day, and the fatigue in the boys' muscles became increasingly noticeable as time went by, so it was no wonder that the two had agreed on going to bed right after finishing the movie they were watching right now.

All the happenings and following fatigue added up to Isagi's confusion. Said male blinked sheepishly, then furrowed his eyebrows.

"Can you... repeat the question?" He then asked his friend again, his cheeks gaining on color with every spoken word as he fully realized the meaning behind Bachira's words.

Isagi watched as Bachira yawned, making no effort to cover his mouth. He seemed tired, too, and it occurred to Isagi that it was a rare sight to see him stay awake past his usual bedtime, but then again, who went to bed early at a sleepover?

The black and yellow haired boy had finished yawning and was now cracking his stiff neck. "When to kiss someone," he then repeated, "how do you know when to kiss someone?"

"Why would you ask me?"

Bachira stopped mid-movement, his arm lazily dangling in the air as he leaned forward to give Isagi a closer look."Is this a weird question?"

"... nah. It's fine."

Isagi knew that the persistent warmth in his face wasn't only to blame on his embarrassment about his fatigue-influenced confusion, but also from his awfully omnipresent, mixed feelings towards his teammate and best friend, feelings he kept denying and ignoring but doubted they could be kept in him any longer. But he was trained to think rationally rather than emotionally in certain circumstances and therefore had an easier time pushing his feelings about Bachira away.

Which didn't change the substantial problem; Isagi was far from experienced in this topic - kissing - never having dated a girl before, never having kissed anyone besides his family, cheek only, never having given it a second thought because he hadn't expected it to be an important matter.

But then again, another look at Bachira and Isagi's embarrassment subsided, realizing that in his eyes, it might be equally embarrassing to ask this question in first place. So he shrugged, looking back to the movie that was still playing, and trying to form his thoughts into words.

"I think... kissing is one of many ways to show affection. Primarily in a relationship." Isagi scratched the back of his head, striving for a good answer. "So, back to your question... you give kisses when you want to give your love, right?"

"I see. Makes sense." At the corner of his eye, Isagi saw Bachira looking back to the screen as well. But his gaze didn't stick on the laptop for a long time - the boy looked back to Isagi, who could swear that his eyes had momentarily wandered to his lips.

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