tender distraction || raichi jingo

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requested by @remingmoe
tender distraction, a raichi jingo oneshot: or, downtown with your favorite person to forget and lose yourself in the city's lively environment.
scroll to the end of the oneshot for a note.


Being a student wasn't easy.

Having to fight the urge to slam your alarm against the nearest wall possible and to crawl back into your comfortable, warm bed right after was already an impacting mood-dropping part of your morning routine. Then came the dressing up for school, your outfits nothing but tight and uncomfortable compared to the stuff you wore at home, and the lingering hope that you were in time so you wouldn't have to hurry and get a telling-off by your teachers.

And all of that just for them to lecture you something about things that you did not understand nor would be useful for your future, like goniometry, the history of some ancient European dudes that had impacted this and that, and so on...

(A/N, I'm joking. Pay attention to your classes, people.)

Nevermind, as you said, being a student wasn't easy at all. But it surely made you appreciate the little free time you had even more.

And of course, it was even better if you had some company with you - preferably your boyfriend, Jingo Raichi.

Looking for a distraction, you had agreed on spending a day downtown, the only place with a more frolic, free and relaxed atmosphere for you, where you were able to forget about the troubles and exhaustion stacked upon you and to just live your life to the fullest.

And today was the day.

It was almost lunchtime when you arrived, humming to yourself while walking down the street, a wide grin on your face that grew even larger when you spotted a familiar pale blond male in the crowds, leaning against a wall.

"Raichi! Hey!"

You called his name and ran the last few meters to him, pulling him in a tight hug and catching him off-guard. Irritated at first, he spun around, but as soon as he recognized you, the frown turned into a grin and he returned your hug, planting a small kiss on your cheek.

"Took you forever to arrive, (y/n)."

"Pretty sure that you didn't have to wait too long."

Raichi let out a snort. "Whatever. What do you wanna do first?"

You smiled innocently.

"What do think about a shopping tour?"

"Yeah — what? Are you for real—"

Raichi groaned and shook his head in desperation as he watched your figure getting lost in the crowds, and heard your loud laugh, for which you earned a few mildly surprised looks by the pedestrians around you. Pictures started popping up in the athlete's head, memories of earlier shopping tours you had done together.

"Oi! (Y/n)!" He exclaimed in one last, desperate try to stop you. "I'm gonna leave you at the lost and found— ugh, that's gonna be a hell of a tour!"

It was indeed a test of Raichi's nerves. Finding excitement in the newest offers, no matter if clothing, shoes, accessories or school supplies, you got lost in the wide range of products, always finding something new that sparked your interest. The blond would follow you, helping you to carry your bargains and goods, while you went from store to store, not just for the sake of buying, but for the vivid feelings that overcame you when looking for useful (or less useful) items.

Raichi couldn't deny that he liked seeing you in such a lively state, though. He instinctively had felt some sort of worry as he had watched your motivation dropping right before your finals came up - although he would never admit to have thought so. But regardless, he tolerated your shopping tours, limiting his curses until they were nothing but unnoticed words muttered under his breath, and followed you.

The two of you eventually came to a halt at a small park in the middle of the town. Multiple great trees had been planted on a meadow there, tall enough to spend enough shadow for those who needed some protection from the bright sun. You luckily found a shady spot right away and settled down on the grass, leaning back and slowly feeling how your leg muscles relaxed.

You heard a loud thud next to you as Raichi put down the bags he was carrying. "About damn time," he said, and sat next to you, looking exhausted. You smiled and grabbed one of the bags, taking out a bag of chips.

"Want one?"

"Pass it."

A few snacks and drinks later, you laid down with a content sigh, smiling over the warmth you felt right now.

"It's a great day, right?"

He replied with a snort. You took it as a permission to continue talking.

"We still have school tomorrow..."

"Mmph," the blond mumbled with minor confusion, before he realized, facepalmed and laid down next to you. "Fu— are you seriously getting sedimental again?"

You let out a chuckle. "It wouldn't be smart to be."

Raichi's gaze laid upon your face and he watched you more closely. Seeing the mixed feelings unfolding inside your eyes, he shook his head and poked your cheek, making you startle.

"Huh? Rai?"

He didn't answer, but instead grabbed his backpack and revealed a pair of earbuds along with his phone. "I've got a playlist for you," he announced, and grinned as he saw the regained vividness in your eyes sparkling again.

"A playlist?! You're charming me, who would have guessed that you'd do a thing that romantic?" You teased, stabilizing yourself with your arm into a more upright position to reach out for the earbuds, but Raichi pulled them out of your reach with a snort, making you fall against his body instead.

"Hey! What was that for?" You complained, looking up to him accusingly, and something like a misgiving overcame you when the blond's lips curled up to a grin.

"I'll show you some clips of my play first, I recently recorded a new move of mine."

You already opened your mouth to contradict, but Raichi silenced you with a small kiss before saying, "That's my revenge on you. The shopping tour was hellish."

While he was rambling about his favorite football players and his so called sexy football, you eyed him thoughtfully, just the tiniest bit of relief setting in you as you saw him enjoying himself as well. You were fully aware of how much Raichi tried his best to somehow distract you from negative thoughts and overthinking, and that in times like these, you needed it the most. So you tried to compensate it with paying attention to his clips instead.

Raichi noticed too, of course. But he never said a thing, nor did he waste too much time thinking about it. He simply accepted it as a part of your relationship, as part of something you did to overcome eventual differences.

These were things you didn't have to talk about. These were things that could be left unspoken, and that was just fine.


a/n ;   hello & i finally posted! this was so hard to write tbh, not only did i have a writer's block but raichi's also one of the characters i'm the least able to characterize somewhat correctly, so i apologize deeply for out-of-character scenes and actions happening in this oneshot...

votes, comments & feedback are very appreciated!

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