emperor & kitsune || nagi seishiro

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for animeandya , ily and thanks for the patience!

— NOT BETA READ im lazy.
— watch me writing oneshots with plots that could have easily been enough material for an entire book bc again, i'm lazy, prone to burnout and busy
— if you have questions regarding the kitsune metaphor please feel free to ask :)

also we hit +30k reads weahooo, tysm for all the support!!


"Hm? Who's this? Nagi Seishiro?"

"Yeah, he's a very famous gamer at the arcade here, also nicknamed the Emperor," someone in the small crowd around you explained. "Rumors say that he's unbeaten!"

"But do you think he could beat Kitsune as well?", another person said, doubtfully.

"I once played against him," someone else added in. "It felt like I've been crushed, for real. There is a reason why he's called the Emperor."

"Didn't you get crushed by Kitsune some time ago as well?"


"Honestly, I don't think Nagi stands a chance against (Y/N)..."

As more and more people around you started to debate whether you were capable of winning against this Nagi Seishiro person, a smirk made its way on your face. Pretending to not hear the discussion, you quickly finished the ongoing game with one last final strike, leaving the small crowd around you stunned and cheering and your opponent groaning in frustration.

Unbeatable? Perfect. This sounded like a challenge, and after all these tiring lame games you'd played against these tiring lame players around here, you really needed something more exciting. Your fingers were already itching at the thought of the thrilling feeling of an intense game...

So it would feel even better to crush him.

Spending your summer holidays somewhere far away from the town you lived in in order to visit your relatives again, you had spent countless time by yourself, bored by the strict family rules, the ancient traditions, your relatives criticizing you - how were you still supposed to show respect to them under conditions like these, as your parents always ordered you to?

Goddamn family hierarchies.

To escape further rules, further pressure and further boredom, you had begun to spend more and more time downtown, where no family members could possibly disturb your actions and keep telling you off. And that was how you had found this lovely place, the arcade - a place where you could let off as much steam as you needed. Games were surprisingly suited to move your mind elsewhere, and ironically, you had enough money to spend it on them  — one of the ironic advantages of growing up in a traditional family as this one.

But even that had eventually bored you. The discovery of your talent for gaming had been a big surprise, and you would be lying if you claimed that you hadn't been enjoying the sweet taste of victory (and with that, the steadily growing amount of attention that even lead to you getting a nickname). But as time passed, playing games had become nothing more than a repetitive, monotonous action to do; the more you succeeded, your skill evolved, which lead to even bigger differences between you and your opponents until the skill gap had become so big that people started to see you as a player far superior to them.

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