your favorite || michael kaiser

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request by @MerontaAribam
apologizing for eventual ooc... i don't think i'm very good at writing him, also wrote this at one am in one session, bear with me :')


"Guten Morgen, (y/n)~ have you slept well? Are you awake enough to answer me a question? I'm curious, what's your favorite color?"

"What?" You reluctantly stored your earbuds away when you heard this familiar voice calling out. It was too early in the morning, you were hungry, having skipped breakfast, and you were definitely not in the mood for social interactions after long lectures - even less with this one specific person. You internally groaned and forced yourself to suppress a sigh. Guess my music has to wait.

"My favorite-"

"What's your favorite song?"

You interrupted him, surprised. "Huh? Where did that come from?"

"I'm the one asking questions here. Now, what's your favorite song? And your favorite snack?"

"Just what the hell are you planning?" You abruptly got up and glared down at the athletic, young man sitting on the edge of your desk. Said man had his legs crossed and was leaning forward to you, elbow on his knee and his chin planted on the hand of his supported arm, and together with his subtle, know-it-all, shit-eating grin that was starting to appear on his face, his image had a rather bothersome effect on you.

"Sit back," he replied in his usual arrogant manner, his German accent underlining the consonants as he spoke. He didn't even bother reacting to the judging looks which you were starting to get by your fellow students by now as he continued. "I'm just trying to have a nice chat with you. Some small talk to get to know you, the usual routine."

"We've known each other for a few good years, and you still want a get-to-know?" You challenged him. "Michael Kaiser."

Kaiser winked at you, unfazed. Then he picked up your initial conversation again, but in a lowered tone this time.

"I'm a curious man, and you happen do be an interesting individual," he commented, and straightened up to push himself off the desk in a fluent movement. A smile appeared on his lips as he leaned towards you, inevitably invading your personal space. You furrowed your eyebrows in irritation as you observed his advances and the hidden implication behind his words. "No, (y/n)?"

"Is this your way of asking me to tutor you again?"
You stared at him, holding his gaze without hesitation, and crossed your arms. "If it is, it's not working. I have other things to do."

Kaiser's smile widened in amusement as he took a step back. "Oh? Surely I'll be able to change your mind. Look, (y/n), I got you something." He held up a small paper bag. "Since you tend to skip breakfast, I figured you'd like something that bakery nearby. Tutoring sounds a lot better now, doesn't it?"

"As I said, I have things to do, and they're urgent-"

"Not more urgent than your breakfast," Kaiser immediately interrupted you, waving the paper bag in front of your face. "I know you have some spare time until your next class, so I condemn you to taking a break. Whatever you need to do can wait."

You huffed and shook your head, giving in. He was such a die-hard.

"I'm charging extra for the next tutoring session."

"Oh, is this an agreement? Wonderful. Now hurry up and pick your stuff up. I'll catch you at the exit."


The cinnamon rolls were delicious, Kaiser surely knew where to find a good bakery. Maybe you wouldn't mind having him bring you breakfast more often, from now on. Your stomach was filled again, your mood lightened up, and you went as far as to forgive Kaiser for his interruption of your morning peace.

As you snapped out of your thoughts, you noticed Kaiser was staring at you, his everlasting smirk playing on his lips as he did. He was twirling his pen in his hand, Caran d'Ache, the same blue as his eyes, eyes that laid upon you and scanned your face, your hand gestures, your whole appearance.

Perhaps you would've minded less if you weren't in the middle of a tutoring session. Kaiser's intent stare was distracting, to say the least, and it bothered you to the point where you stopped an explanation mid-sentence and stared right back at him.

"Earth to Michael."

"Aww, you know I hate being referred to my first name," Kaiser replied, his smirk never leaving his face. He moved his chair to sit a little closer to you, and the scent of his deodorant filled your nostrils. "Even so, you haven't answered my questions yet, so I shall ask again. What's your favorite song?"

You frowned lightly, contemplating whether to reply or not. At the end, you decided to play along, knowing Kaiser's stubbornness once he's set his mind onto something, and replied with your favorite song.

Kaiser nodded in contentment about your answer, then asked a follow-up question. "How about your favorite snack?"

"I'm fond of a lot of snacks. Oreos, fries, Pocky, sour gummy bears... I wonder why you're asking."

Kaiser's smile merely brightened. "Because I can. Now, for the last question. What's your favorite color, (y/n)?"

Your favorite color, was the question? You had to think for a good while there, running through possible options in your head, but none of the colors seemed to appeal to you specifically.

"I don't have a favorite color."

"Then just pick one." Kaiser gazed at you in expectation.

You decided to regard your surroundings for a good pick until your gaze landed back onto Kaiser's face. You let it shift from his face to his pen and back to his eyes, alluring blue ones, then down to the little bit of the blue rose tattoo on Kaiser's neck that the collar of his shirt didn't quite cover up.

Without thinking twice, you spoke, "Blue, then."

Kaiser's eyebrows rose in light surprise. "Blue? What shade of blue?"

You warily nodded to his pen, then met his eyes. A small pause passed before Kaiser laughed, intrigued by your statement. He slowly extended his hand, cupping your cheek with it, your skin soft against his palm. His thumb gently caressed your cheek in small, circular movements, warmly, slowly, and his gaze dropped from your eyes down to your lips.

With a pounding heart, you closed your eyes, and Kaiser leaned in to kiss you.


A bouquet stood on your table in Uni. The basket, woven with straw, had been covered in a light blue paint, black, white and blue ribbons decorating the handle, flowers in the same color scheme having been arranged for aesthetic purposes, pleasant to the eye.

The basket contained Oreos, Pocky, blue-dyed fries that had been placed into a small plastic bag, sour gummy bears of the same blue, and you meant to spot a ribboned CD of your favorite artist's. Drinks and various office supplies with the same colors filled the rest of the spaces. You stared at the bouquet in amazement.

It was Kaiser's work, no doubt. This was why he had asked you so many questions all along - a bouquet for your birthday. A small note on top of the bouquet confirmed your suspicions, and you unfolded it curiously. You couldn't help but smile as you read it.

"Your favorites, from your favorite."


ps: do you guys like the cover of this book? i'm quite proud of it, actually (*'')

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