young again || kunigami rensuke

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TW/CW: alcohol, angst: early maturing
TAGS: come back kunigami // a shoulder to cry on // kunigami the ultimate comforter // why can't I stay a child forever - i'm still not ready // mitski references weehee hoo hoo // cries in a corner

gender neutral reader. characters are aged up.


You were the farthest thing from what people described as a morning person.

Mornings were awful, or so you considered them to be. In your eyes, it was always the same: getting up too early for your liking, being thrown out of your bed by the loud shrill noise of the countless alarms you had installed. Leaving the warmth your bed held, getting for work, stressing over your outfit; repeating the same old routine you followed everyday. Running to catch the bus because you would tend to oversleep, and as a result from being short on time, you could never get a proper breakfast, barely having time to snatch a caffeine-containing drink before arriving at your workplace.

Which was where the final mood killer awaited you; the sight of your annoying coworkers could never fail to wash away your last bit of motivation. Short, your burnt out ass absolutely hated mornings, but in conclusion, you loved evenings even more.

Evenings were the time where you could do whatever you desired to, where you were able to finally lean back and relax. There was no one who could bring you to do anything else besides partying, going out or staying home, watching the tv and doing absolutely nothing, or at least nothing that (positively) contributed to society. On evenings, you could unfold yourself to your fullest and be able to feel the momentary spark of joy inside you, you could immerse yourself in your preferred environments, enjoy yourself and not hold back anymore. Evenings were where limits blurred out and you could find the tiny bit of fulfillment in your monotonous life.

Definitely not the ideal lifestyle, but hey, you weren't bothering anyone with it, weren't you?

On a specific Friday night after an extra draining day, you had decided to spend the rest of the time at a nearby bar. You headed to the place, enjoying the carelessness you were walking with, humming a melody to yourself, and looking forward to the bit of fun you could have, to live and forget, even if it was just for a night - able to forget everything in your life, able to forget the problems that the world held for you.

You entered the bar, greeting the barista, ordering "the usual" and sitting at the table. You sighed as you put your arms onto the wood, burying your face in it, and closing your eyes for just a moment.

And soon, the familiar liquid-filled glass was put in front of you. The smell of alcohol crawled up your nose as you lifted it to your lips, and your excitement grew as you let in, chugging the drink down, slowly feeling the poison setting in. Hell, it burned, but it was familiar and relished your senses.

You'd have to be extra careful with your tolerance level today.

The barista watched you with mild interest as they cleaned some utensils. "A bit early, don't you think?"

You set down the glass and slowly shook your head. Did you care?

You originally hadn't planned on getting very drunk, though. You just needed the alcohol to untie the knot in your tongue for some conversations with strangers for later, when the disco had started. At least that had been your original intention; as time passed, you threw this idea away and stupidly ordered one more drink, then one more again, craving the taste of the heavy liquid, causing your memories to mix up and spin around, dulling your consciousness, until somewhere deep down within you, your senses reached you, telling you that you were within thin boundaries, risking to go blackout drunk, and you set down your current glass, sighing and watching the ice melting in it. It was half empty.

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