irrationality || itoshi rin

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TW/CW: none (please tell me if there are any)
TAGS: oh my god i hate this trope but I wrote it anyway, rin's way of thinking gets turned upside down, why did I write this again
OTHERS: gn reader


Itoshi Rin had never thought that he'd ever experience this "love at first sight" thing - it was surreal, didn't make sense, and was dangerous. As a cool-headed, more distant type of person, he had taken great care of keeping himself away from stuff like this, and he had been successful - right until now.

Did he fell in love at first sight anyway? Well, it was not like he had a choice- regardless of having just begun, this party was crowded as hell, the bass-boosted music was loud and rumbling in his head, and everything Rin wanted at the moment was simply to return home. He had spent his evening standing around, a lost expression on his face, dodging wild fangirls, getting some snacks, hiding from his wild fangirls, drinking one or two drinks (although he wasn't supposed to consume alcohol, but a little bit couldn't ruin his entire career, right?), and avoiding the fangirls again. Short, an absolute horrific start into this party.

Rin was fed up, watching the people around him having fun, and his irritation only grew when he saw his teammates amongst the crowd, laughing and enjoying themselves. He then sent a message to his manager, had pushed himself away from the wall he was leaning against, a bit light-headed from the champagne (he was everything but a drinker) and sent himself to leave, when it had happened - he had bumped into a certain person.

Said person had instantly apologized and Rin had nodded, brushing the apology off. After all, it was inevitable to remain untouched in a crowd like this one, and he couldn't bring the energy to get mad at anyone for doing this action anymore. He had sighed instead, taking a closer look on his counterpart with the slightest bit of curiosity, and they did the same; and as their gazed met, suddenly, it seemed like their surroundings were slowing down until time had stopped.

It was a rare phenomenon that happened, or so would Rin describe it. In that instant of a second, he had captured the smile the stranger had given him, and he had believed to see something unique in them, something that he wasn't quite able to put into thoughts, like a word you search for, so clearly on the tip of your tongue, but not being able to put your finger on it.

The encounter struck Rin, gave him goosebumps, he didn't dare to move; it was an entirely new experience, with such a mesmerizing force, and he was stunned. Disoriented. Almost scared. But as the shock had finally subsided, it had been too late; the mysterious person had disappeared.

Confusion overwhelmed Itoshi Rin like huge waves, struck him, left him overthinking.

What had just happened?

How did an absolute random sequence of absolute random events turn out this way?

What was this what he felt? A feeling so intense, burning inside him, impatiently tugging on his insides. Butterflies in his stomach and a racing heartbeat.

He was feeling. The rational person he had been until now had been utterly destroyed by this one interaction.

That was the start of Itoshi Rin's desire to get to know you.

"Rin-san, I finally found you!" The voice of his manager threw him out of his thoughts. "You want to leave? Should I inform Ego-san?"

Rin looked at the masses around him, his gaze wandering from one person to another.

"Never mind. I'll take another look around," he spoke, disappearing within the people and leaving his manager alone.

He made his way through the people, groups and couples dancing and laughing, staggering when a group of drunk teenagers almost ran him over, followed by a furious senior man, but aside from that, his gaze never stopped scanning his surroundings, looking for the smile that had left such an impression on him. He shook his head, the thought occurring to him that he should've asked his manager if they happened to know someone matching the stranger's description.

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