spring's surprises || mikage reo

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requested by: -MIKASALUVR
how i pretend like im one with nature after a ten minute walk outside // picnic dates because im a sucker for these // i was smiling throughout the whole writing process holy shit // go touch grass

a/n: thank you so much for 100k everyone T^T i hope you enjoy this one as much as i do!


"Hold on, hold on, I know you are rushing to get a good spot, but could you not run, seriously?"

The answer you got was a loud laugh and you muttered a curse under your breath, but regardless let Reo drag you with him. He was holding firmly onto your wrist as he made his way through the crowds - a rather difficult task regarding the large bag he was carrying at the same time, and it was inevitable that the grand object bumped not only into you, who was walking right behind him, but also into other people when he turned the slightest bit.

"Be careful, idiot," you exclaimed after he had almost crashed into a small child of four or five years, not like you'd expect anything in first place - a justified judgement as you saw Reo glancing back to you. He was sneering. "Tell the kid," he replied, his voice raised to make sure to be heard amongst the chattering of the bystanders. "I have meltable goods with me, and I'm in a hurry."

"Of course you are." But you still let him lead you through the crowds until an iron gate came into sight, marking the entrance to the park. Reo had noticed it as well, and he slightly squeezed your wrist, his excitement clear in his voice as he announced, "You know what, nevermind. We're almost there!"

Despite being in such a physically uncomfortable situation, you couldn't help but grin at his impatience. No wonder; it had been something that you had been looking forward to for weeks filled with monotonous schoolwork and studying enclosed in tight spaces and dry, hot air, whereas an outdoor activity like this was more than welcome.

It was a warm day in late spring and the sun had just passed its zenith; the perfect day to enjoy the blossoming and growth of the flora and fauna of the meadows on the outskirts. And how could one enjoy this season more than with a picnic amongst freshly sprouted flowers, together with their beloved partner?

Reo lead you through the gate and the two of you moved along the crowds for a moment, advancing forward down the path when he lightly squeezed your wrist again, turning left abruptly and tugging you out of the people towards a path so nondescript it was easy to overlook it. You noticed your surroundings changing; the short, neatly cut grass blended into longer blades, and trees began to seam the path, getting more and more condense until you were walking in a forest, and the background noises of the traffic and the chattering people faded to a comfortable tranquility, occasionally supplemented by the chirping and chirring of the forest's numerous inhabitants.

Reo and you were now walking next to each other, the male had let go of his grip around your wrist and entwined your hands instead. You smiled to yourself and looked up to the crowns above you.

"It's very peaceful here," you said quietly, lowering your voice because it seemed inappropriate to do anything that could interrupt this tranquility. Reo looked back and smiled softly.

"Yes. I really like this place."

There was a certain tone of melancholy underlying his words, for a moment so brief that you were questioning whether it had been in your imagination only. But you posed another question nevertheless.

"Do you come here often?"

"Kinda." Reo chuckled, looking forward again. "It's a good place to go when your thoughts are getting too loud, but I've also gotten used to passing by this path when jogging."

"Mhm, I can imagine that." You looked back to where you came from, barely making out the ragged shapes of the moving visitors, and another question occurred to you. "Also, I've been wondering, how come no one goes this way?"

Reo shrugged. "Dunno, because it's not as well-known or popular, I guess?"

"Simple reason."

"Makes sense, though."


You fell into a comfortable silence again, not bothering to speak, and content with an occasional soft squeeze of your hand or a brush of your thumb against his soft skin. Stray dried leaves, small branches and gravel rustled under your steps, a rhythmic, steady sound, that eventually stopped as Reo came to a halt.

"Alright, we're close enough," he said, looking back from his surroundings to you and raising a hand, playfully poking your nose. "Now close your eyes."

"I'm good." You smiled and poked him back before following his instructions, allowing Reo to guide you, his warm hand holding onto yours firmly. At first, you were moving slowly and overly carefully, stifling whenever the ground became less even, threatening to fall every time you tripped over a loose root. But the male had caught you every time, never letting go of you, and so you started to relax, less cautious than before, but attentive nonetheless.

You soon felt the ground under your shoes getting smoother until it was soft, and then the familiar tickling sensation of sunshine on your skin. The chirping of the birds fell behind you and eventually faded away, being replaced with the chirping of crickets.

Something thin brushed against your leg and you instinctively slapped it, almost cried out before realizing that it had simply been a long blade of grass.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" You asked, growing impatient.

"We're right there. Okay, stop here - no, don't open your eyes yet! I still have to prepare something."

You grinned to yourself despite your curiosity and covered your eyes with your hands, signaling that you were not watching. Then you heard a thud, followed up by the sound of a Velcro fastener and a brief rustling.

The rustling stopped and you sensed how Reo stood in front of you. "Alright, I'm done. Open your eyes- I'm going to take your hands."

"I hope you dont mean that literally," you whined jokingly, immediately receiving a chuckle and a flick at your forehead. You felt how Reo's hands touched yours, slowly pulling them away from your eyes and clearing your field of vision.

You gasped. The two of you stood in the middle of a wild flower meadow, stretching across the gently rising and falling hills, seaming the forest's line of trees far away. Colorful flowers of all kinds were dotting the light green, blotches of yellow, red and blue covering wider spots of the landscape, and amidst it, in the shadows of a grand broadleaf tree, a checkered picnic cloth had been splayed.

"Do you like it?" Reo asked, smiling at the awe in your eyes.

"I..." You turned back from the view to him, squeezing his hands. Your voice almost failed you as you continued, returning the smile, "this is so beautiful."

Two glasses, plates and silverware had already been placed onto the picnic cloth, and there were a lot of snacks piling up next to it, and you were quick to lean towards your beloved boyfriend and give him a kiss, because you didn't know how else to express your gratitude and admiration for this astonishing moment he had prepared.

Reo didn't mind, and smiled a little, something you savored gladly, leaning deeper into the kiss.

"Hey, don't be hasty," you then heard him mumble, however, the words were slurred and drowsy as he was trying to articulate with his lips still pressed against yours. "Picnic first, thank me afterwards. We've only just arrived."

You pulled away, grinning without a trace of regret, and your grin grew even wider when you saw how Reo held a hand in front of his face, turning away slightly but not enough to hide the red that spread across his cheeks and ears.

"We've been dating for half a year already, and you still get flustered?" You couldn't help but tease him, giggling as Reo sighed and smiled ruefully.

"Nah... you caught me off-guarded. Also you seem more enthusiastic today, is there a reason?"

"Shoo, shoo, who wouldn't be happy about such a beautiful place? Must be the effect of mother nature. And now," you said, turning to the picnic spot excitedly and dragging Reo with you, "let's thank said mother nature for the food, I'm starving!"

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