the florist || isagi yoichi

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a request that i've gotten, check the end of the oneshot for an additional author's note.
no tags since i ran out of them.


The raven haired male had been standing in front of the shop for a while now. He had put his hands into the pockets of his jacket and his nose was slightly reddened, as the result of the cold weather. His deep blue eyes were looking around nervously as he pretended to take a closer look at the plants behind the shop windows, his gaze trailing to the silhouette of the person inside every now and then.

You had noticed him some while ago and couldn't help but think of him as suspicious. What did he want? You haven't opened the shop yet, and it there was still some time before you'd open it, but yet he was standing there, examining the shop.

You sighed and put the large box in your arms aside, carefully to not damage any plants nearby. You then stepped over some garden hoses, your eyes constantly fixated on the stranger as you went to the door and opened it.

A cold wind caught you off-guard and made you shiver, but you quickly focused on the stranger again. The male flinched and turned around to you, his eyes widened and his mouth slightly opened.

"Can I help you?"

The male looked away, his cheeks slightly pink.

"I'm... not sure."

What's that supposed to mean? Sighing once again, you put on a smile, stepping out of the shop and holding the door open.

"Come in, I'll help you," you said, and the stranger looked at you again, doubtfully.

"But isn't it after your hours of operation?"

You snorted and made a small gesture, inviting him to step inside. "Don't make a fuss and come inside, it's cold. Oh, by the way, what's your name?"

"... Isagi. Isagi Yoichi."

"I'm (y/n), nice to meet you!"

Isagi nodded as he went past you, deciding to not mention the fact that your name was visible on the name tag on your shirt, while you watched the raven stepping into the shop, a small smile on your face as you saw his eyes widening in surprise at the amount of all sorts of plants in the room.

Even if Isagi had seen parts of the interior from the outside already, he felt like he had entered an entire different place - even if it was winter, it was warm inside here, almost muggy, just like in one of these fairytales where you suddenly step into an unknown world. He regarded his surroundings in awe; the bit of sunshine fell on the carpets of green, creating a mysterious, yet cozy atmosphere, and here and there, he spotted some varying touches of color, which, as he looked closer, turned out to be flowers of all sorts. The sweet, intense aroma crawled up Isagi's nose and unexpectedly, he had to let out a sneeze, making you snicker.

"Bless you! Yeah, there's probably a lot of pollen in here... you need a tissue?"

"It's fine, thanks," Isagi said, embarrassed.

"Let me take your jacket, it's pretty warm inside here."

"Thank you."

You hung up the jacket just at the entrance and turned around again, smiling at the male's awe.

"Alright, then, Yo-kun." You went past him, stopping where you had put down the box from earlier. Lifting it up, you looked back to Isagi, wondering what his wish was. "What do you need?"

The raven scratched the back of his head. "I..."

"Oh, is it for Valentine's Day?" You grinned. "No need to be so shy. Perhaps you'd like... roses?"

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