talent || chigiri hyouma

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TW/CW: mentionings of self hate
TAGS: i'm so sorry chigiri, semi-canon storyline?, accidentally quoted aomine daiki, hurt/comfort
OTHERS: gn reader. a rather long oneshot since i pretty much went into detail with his character analysis


Oh yes, here it is again, this thing called talent. Let me ask you if you know a person with talent - it can be a friend, a family member, a famous star, or even a fictional character. Surely, all of you can think of at least someone.

Now let me ask you in what this person is talented in. Something artistic, maybe? Or is it perhaps mathematics? Or a sports activity?

Last but not least, how do you even define this thing, "talent", in first place? Is it something that people were born with, like a gift? Or is it more like a compliment to express how great a person really is?

Then, let me tell you the story of a young man , a proclaimed prodigy and in possession of this thing called talent.

The boy's name was Hyouma Chigiri. He was born with facial traits that would rather be assigned to a female, and had long pinkish-red hair that was pretty eye-catching. Speaking of eye-catching, it was not just only his looks, but also his play. Chigiri loved playing soccer, it was one of his greatest passions (besides his haircare), and was great at it; but it was not just simple greatness that made him outstanding, no, it was his incredible weapon.

Thanks to his body's build and his long and dedicated trainings, he had created an ultimate talent; his speed. And once Chigiri realized that, he made good use of it, and through the countless games he played it got more and more obvious that  he was a perfectly suited striker who was able to break through all the defense lines by simply his rough speed.

So it was no wonder that soon, the boy had gotten a lot of attention and recognition. People were swarming around him, telling him how amazing he was and how much talent he possessed. They praised him, they cheered for him, they searched for his closeness. And Chigiri would have lied if he said that he hadn't enjoyed all of this. At least past Chigiri would have said that.

But as his environment changed, it was inevitable that he himself changed as well.

"Talented". "Prodigy". "The Future of the Japanese Soccer". He heard things like these every day and was motivated by them; they helped him to get even more competitive, they fueled his ambition to get better, to eventually become one of Japan's top strikers. But that was until he simply couldn't find an opponent with skills that could keep up with his anymore.

Or in other words, an opponent with such a talent like he had.

Chigiri's beliefs that someday, someone would show up and live up to his ideas of how to define a rival, were threatened to be crushed as he started to challenge one after another in despair, going up against anyone possible, anyone he thought could be somewhat challenging. He even played against whole teams, but without realizing, all of these matches had made him even stronger, left his opponents ashamed and destroyed, and he himself, through the sour taste of victory — it used to be sweet — felt even lonelier than before.

The first crack in the striker prodigy Hyouma Chigiri's façade.

It was too late when he realized what he had turned into. As a result from his won challenges and the steadily growing feeling of loneliness and despair in his heart, he had started to look down on people, feeling this whimsical and dreaded superiority towards others whenever he saw the people he had crushed in the matches.

At first, it didn't affect him. Because after all, it was reality; Chigiri was superior to these boring, ordinary people, he was better than them, and none of them were worth wasting his time on. He kept pushing his doubts away, but when slowly but surely, his friends began to distance themselves from him until they had completely cut ties with each other, he began to realize that this just wasn't right.

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