perfect || ryousuke kira

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tw/cw: none
tags: soft soft soft soft, character development hee hee, relationship goals, if i dont get a partner like him in this oneshot i'll stay single
others: requested by HARUN0CHI , gn reader. this one's a bit shorter, apologies!

(perfect, ryousuke kira oneshot, or, what being in a perfect relationship means.)


Sharing a small flat with your boyfriend really was nice, and one of the things you appreciated the most about living together with him were the mornings.

Let's begin with the tranquil atmosphere. The sky outside was still dark, but a small glimmer already announced the beginning of the sunrise and eventually grew, painting the sky with pastel colors. A warm greeting, inviting you to start the day. The sun rays fell through the curtains and if you were awake, you'd see the light dancing on the features of your boyfriend's features, giving him an almost angelic look.

And when you were awake, you'd smile, sitting up and taking a moment to watch his beauty. There was no need to wake him up; as the rays reached his eyes, he'd wake up by himself, opening his eyes and yawning, stretching his back. You'd kiss him goodmorning, or the other way around, and sometimes, you'd lay around for a few more minutes, you laying in his arms and the both of you rolled up under the blanket, saying no words but just enjoying the peace.

When Ryousuke woke up first, he'd let you sleep, gently standing up and tip-toeing to the bathroom, trying his best to not disturb you. These were the mornings where you'd wake up with the smell of food in your nose. And as you can imagine, there's nothing better than to wake up and be greeted with food, especially when it was your boyfriend who cooked - his cooking skills were surprisingly good. You'd enjoy everything he cooked, everything would taste amazing, and the male would watch you eating, smiling at your enthusiasm.

And if you didn't have to work on these days, the two of you would spend the time together, doing either relaxing or exciting activities. Sometimes, you'd take Ryousuke to an arcade or a bowling center. And sometimes, Ryousuke would take you on a one- or two-day trip.

Overall, the both of you were really busy with your jobs, sometimes even only seeing each other at dinner. But that, as well, was part of why you appreciated the good times you had together so much.

There were times where you were scared of this idyllic peace; although you loved him and he loved you and you were able to spend all these beautiful moments together, it still felt so fragile, so unreal that you were absolutely horrified by the idea of something destroying that atmosphere. There were times where you'd get incredibly insecure about doing something wrong. And it was also inevitable that not all the mornings were like this.

In fact, you could remember a huge fight you once had. You weren't sure what it was about, but you remembered pretty well how you had felt then; you had panicked and started to throw a tantrum before crying...

Oh, that was right, it was an argument about your well-being.

You leaned back into your seat, closing your eyes for a second as you recalled these past events, not minding the gazes of your coworkers.

Ryousuke had noticed the tension you kept with you, and on a certain day, he had confronted you, seemingly out of the blue. But afterwards, as you asked him, he claimed his worry as obvious.

But that was another story. Let's get back to the argument.

You could still remember how you felt as the male had spoken these words - it was overwhelming, threatening the idyllic relationship you had built up, and the realization of its fragility had struck you, finally bringing the whole construction to fall. No longer able to hold back and hide your worries, the words had come out of your mouth, and you had told him everything you had felt.

He had remained silent, and the moment where he had taken a step forward to pull you into a tight hug was the moment when you realized how vulnerable you really were.

Tears had streamed down your cheeks and had fallen on Ryousuke's shirt as you had felt the familiar warmth of his body embracing you, filling you with comfort and the feeling of safety.

The familiar smell and feeling of home.

The male had patted your back, patiently waiting for you to calm down. He then had apologized for the pressure he had given you, and as you protested, he had only smiled and cut you off with a small peck on the lips. He had continued; this idea of a perfect relationship was indeed the ideal one, but perfection was an exhausting and demanding thing as well as a dangerous wish.

He then had asked you what you wanted to have in an ideal relationship.

The two of you had sat down in the kitchen, and Ryousuke had made some tea while you had opened a package of biscuits. He had given you some time to think about his question while he prepared the tea, pouring some of it into two mugs and handing one of them to you.

You then had answered and admitted that you didn't exactly know, but if there had been something you really wanted then it was for the two of you to feel safe and comfortable around each other. Your boyfriend had listened to you, paying close attention to your words, and over the whole time, he had been holding your hand, slightly squeezing it every now and then to reassure you that he was caring about you.

And you had really appreciated that small gesture.

You smiled at the thought and opened your eyes, slowly sitting up straight and suppressing a yawn. Your gaze wandered back to the work in front of you and you sighed, but the thought of being able to see Ryousuke soon was enough motivation for you.

You had agreed on getting more aware of each other's true feelings and stopping to pretend and overplay things when feeling down, and now, years later, when you thought about your past self, you couldn't help but smile at these small, intimate moments that had made you to what you were now.

Ryousuke had sounded really pensive back then, almost nostalgic, as if he had remembered a life lesson he had learned the hard way.

Of course, at the start, things hadn't worked out as smoothly as you wanted, but it wasn't easy to lay down any hesitation and show each other your different sides, your true selves. Sometimes, you would still have discussions that made you feel nervous and insecure, but as time passed, you were finally able to open up more, getting a greater understanding of your actions, thoughts and feelings.

Though you were sure that being able to tearing down these walls of fear was one of the main factors of the new perfect relationship you had. You looked at the ring on your hand; it caught the dim light that fell on it, reflecting it, and the smile on your face was even brighter as you touched the ring, feeling its cool surface underneath your fingers.

Later, you left your workplace, taking the metro to get home. You made your way to your home, exhausted from work, but looking forward to your safe space, where you could just relax for a while.

You opened the door, and the familiar smell of fried rice crawled up your nose. Smiling, you entered the building, quickly getting out of your shoes and entering the kitchen, spotting the man that was so special to you, the man that you loved infinitely, the man that you were married to.

Ryousuke turned around, a delighted look in his face, and you stepped up next to him, giving him a small kiss on the lips.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back."

Every day with Ryousuke Kira was a perfect day, and you loved it.

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