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"It's the cops!" Takemichi yelped.

"Tch. Let's settle this another time." South clicked his tounge, and retreated. Even if it's him, he didn't want to get locked up in Juvie either.

"South! I have left the old me in Tokyo Manji gang!! I'll never join Rokuhara Tandai!!" Draken yelled at him.

South never responded, nor even looked at him.

"Left the old you in Toman? What happened?" Rian asked. Of course she's confused. She never knew that Toman had disbanded.

"Pretty sure you've got more explaining to do than I do." Draken said, giving the girl a knock on the head.

"Brings back the memories..." She said, hugging her head out of pain.

"Draken!" Takeomi called.

"Sorry for just standing quietly."

He walked past Draken, towards his gang crowd.

"We're moving too!" He commanded.

"Takemitchy, Inupi! We're moving too!" Draken also yelled.

Without her Yamaha fz-16, Rian couldn't get away. So instead, she sat on Inupi's bike and drove off with him.

"Sooooo, are you gonna tell me what happened? For the two years of me dissappearing." Rian asked Inupi.

"Well... As you can see, Toman disbanded. Me and Draken now own a bike shop. And Mikey.... He continued his delinquency by forming another gang. Which was the Kantou Manji gang."

"Aaand what's so bad about them...?" Rian didn't get it. After hearing what he said. Mikey was a good guy, so his gang must be nice too.

"You don't get it, Kiri. Mikey changed. He completely changed. In a way you couldn't even imagine."

"A way I can't even imagine huh..."

Arriving at Inupi and Draken's bike shop, they took a shower since they got all wet cuz of the heavy rain pouring outside.

"Here." Inupi gave Takemichi and Rian both a bottle of drink.


"It's been a rough day, huh?" Rian asked.

"Yea, things have become a huge mess." Inupi replied her.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Takemichi asked, out of curiosity.

"Hm? Yea we do. This guy's always been hanging around at Shinichiro's bike shop in the past." Rian answered, pointing at Inupi.

"And she's always there to annoy Shinichiro." Inupi said, also pointing at Rian.

"Back to the topic, where's Draken?" Takemichi asked again.

"Outside, with some Brahman members. Probably discussing about you." Inupi said.

"Lemme go take a look." Takemichi stood up from his seat and ran off.

"I'll go too~" the girl stood up, following Takemichi from behind.

They got down the stairs to outside. Only to hear a huge bang. Turning their heads, seeing Draken pinning Takeomi on the walls.

"You're not listening, Akashi!!" Draken yelled.

"If you drag Takemichi in this mess, I'll never forgive you! Do not get former Toman members involved in this!! What's this all about??!"

"W-wait! Draken-kun!!" Takemichi timidly yelled. Asking Draken to stop.

Hearing this, he finally let go of Takeomi. Leaving him coughing.

"Ahhh... Takeomi. Long time no see and you've became weak." Rian said, with her hands in her pockets. More like she's teasing him.

"What are you guys discussing.... Please explain it to me." Takemichi said.

"Draken intends to bring Mikey back." A familiar voice came in. It was Senju holding an umbrella.

"You're.... Brahman's top...."

"And us, Brahman's target was to defeat Kantou Manji gang. Which was the gang Mikey's leading. We both have similar objectives, so we came to a cooperation."

She explained to Takemichi. Takeomi took out his cigarette and lit it up.

"Hanagaki. I loved the ambition Tokyo Manji gang had. It wasn't about to be 'Japan's Number 1 gang'. Rather, it's about wanting to change the era of delinquents. That's very much like Mikey."

Spitting out a mouth full of smoke, he continued.

"But Kantou Manji gang.... Isn't like that. They don't have an ambition. And at this point, Mikey is viewed as the 'bad guy'. And we're here to defeat the bad guys. That's Brahman's purpose!"

Poor Takemichi didn't even have the time to speak.

"Hanagaki Takemichi. Two big gangs watched over you as you boldly screamed. 'I will defeat Sano Manjiro'. If you really do have that ambition, please join Brahman. Brahman welcomes you." Senju also said.

"Wow, all of the long speech just to get Mitchy on board?" Rian scoffed.

"No way!!" Draken yelled.

"If you tryna get Takemitchy involved, then consider me as Brahman's enemy!!"

"Wanna start fighting here?" Senju asked, giving off a scary vibe.

"Jesus Christ.... Don't just fight whenever you wanted." Rian tried to stop the both of them.

"Draken-kun! I will join Brahman." Takemichi spoke up.


"Draken, as much as Brahman wanted to win against Kantou Manji gang, there's just no way we wanted to fight Mikey. That's why we need both of you, the very people whom Mikey trusts. Facing him without getting in to a fight would be the best. Please understand that."

Takeomi continued convincing Draken, also not wanting Senju and him to fight at the place.

"Oh, it stopped raining."

Not wanting to continue arguing anymore, Draken sighed and decided the give in.

"That's Takemitchy to you..." He turned, now facing Takemichi.

"Keep in mind that we're only cooperating because we have similar objectives." Draken gave him an advice.

"... Got it."

"Well... Welcome to Brahman. Takemitchy." Draken smiled, and shook his hand.

"I will bring Mikey back!" Takemichi again, boldly made the announcement.

"Alrighty, I've decided!" Senju suddenly said.

"I want Kiri to join too!"

"Hah?! It's. None. Of. My. Business!"

"Come on~ you're not a former Toman member are you? Draken won't stop me from recruiting Kiri, am I right?" Senju looked at Draken, while he turned his head, looking like he's got nothing to do with this.

"Draken you traitor!!"

"Psst, I'll give you the position as an executive." Senju whispered beside Rian's ear.

Hearing this, Rian became silent. Sweatdropping, eyeing at Senju, then looking at Takemichi.

"Fine, fine! I'll join! Not because of the position, though! Because I'm gonna make sure Mitchy's safe!"

"Yeah, yeah~ Oh, and! Here, Hanagaki!" Senju threw him her umbrella.

"Hm? An umbrella?"

"From now on, you're my gofer!" Senju said. With a smile so proud on her face.


"Let's meet tomorrow, 3 p.m. at Harajuku!" Senju said to poor Takemichi's face.

"Eh?! Wait---"


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