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Seeing all members of Kantou Manji gang behind Mikey, Rian facepalmed herself and sighed.

"All the three gangs are here..."

Takemichi, also seemed shocked.

"No... Mikey.... You can't fight here now..." He mumbled.

"This fight is for Draken!!" Takeomi shouted at Brahman, making the members cheer.

"Let's begin the war of three deities!!" South also yelled.

The three gangs began charging at each other after the yell.

"Fuck off, Kantou gang!! You guys abandoned Draken!!" Takeomi was the one who yelled out loud, enough for the crowd to hear.

"Brahman, stop! Don't let the anger get in to you!!" Senju on the other hand, was trying to get her gang to stop. Which no one would listen to her.

Koko and Mikey were standing beside each other. They seem to be talking about something. Looking at Mikey's face, blank. No hints of sadness. Nothing. Despite his best friend just died, and he's fully aware of that.

Senju, Rian and Takemichi rushed in to the crowd to find Takeomi. Just wanting him to calm his ass down.

"The fuck you laughing at South?!" He shouted. But thanks to that, the trio found out where is he.

"Get ahold of yourself, Takeomi!!" Senju yelled at him. Wanting to charge into the fight he's in. Only to get blocked by none other, Wakasa.

"Sensei! Move!" Rian called out.

"Don't get involved. This fight isn't like the others, someone's life just got taken." He said.

".... And that person was Draken."

Throwing Rian her uniform, she caught it and put it on.

"Hanagaki. Take care of Brahman's princess." He smiled at Takemichi, then ran off with Benkei.

Rian's gripping on to her umbrella, even if she's not showing it, it's obvious that she's angry.

Wakasa and Benkei are now dealing with South. With Wakasa's agility, he was able to give South a few kicks from just a jump. When South hasn't gain back from his balance, Benkei threw a heavy punch on him. Making him fly back.

The combination of the two of them is just near perfect. It was going well, by everyone guessing that it might end up with Brahman winning. Until South's vibes changed.

He gave both Wakasa and Benkei two brutal punches each. And that might be the most heaviest punch the others had ever seen.

"Oi." South turned his head, only to see Senju standing in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Waka. But I can't just stand there and watch." She apologised.

"Senju?!" Takemichi yelped.

"I'll deal with you myself."

"Stop it, Senju!! It's too early for you to take on South!! The three of us can handle this fight!!" Takeomi said.

"Shut up, Takeomi." Rian, with her umbrella said.

"Don't you tell me what to do, brat!"

"I... Never wanted the fight to go this way." Senju spoke, making Takeomi quiet down.

"But at this point, Brahman is done for!!" She yelled, charging at South. Only to receive a punch from him. She flew. But still manage to land on the ground, gaining back her balance.


"That's enough! You're underestimating Waka and Benkei!! There's no way you can win this fight!!"

Hearing this, it's not surprising that Takemichi is confused.

"Akashi-san.... What do you mean by that??"

"Senju got herself included in the 'Three Deities' only through first gen, Black Dragon's support. She can't take this fight alone!"

"This is bad...!"

"I was wrong, Senju! I've lost my cool! Get outta there while you still can!!" He started to even apologising just to get her away from South.

She never replied. When South was about to blow another punch on her, her vibe changed. She dodged the punch. Using South's arm as a support, she gave his face a kick. Following with another two while in mid air.

"That's crazy..." Takemichi was shocked by that.

"Takeomi. Brahman's boss.... Is Senju. Never underestimate her, you see." Rian with her calm face, still holding on to her umbrella told Takeomi.

With the words, Takeomi kneeled down, started sobbing.

"Senju... You've been holding back, haven't you?" He asked.

"It's all my fault... I lost all my faith in you... I've failed Brahman's principles!"

He gulped.

"I've lost your trust... Ever since we got Draken into Brahman..."

"Takeomi... You've got it wrong. This whole thing, isn't your fault. It's my responsibility."

Senju replied him. Taking all the responsibilities on to herself. Which was as expected for Rian, since she was Brahman's boss.

"I was not able to stop you. I'm responsible for Draken's death, too. I'm disappointing as Brahman's leader." She continued.

"So all I can do now, is take this guy down." She said as she stared at South.

They started fighting all over again as South regained his foot. A punch on Senju's face, and a kick on South's. It was going on like a rhythm.

Until Senju flew behind Takemichi by receiving a punch from South. South put his hand on his shoulder.

"Move. Hanagaki Takemichi." South demanded. Of course, Takemichi was basically panicking. After seeing South's brutality, he's more than sure that he'd be dead if he gets punched.

Takemichi spaced out a bit, suddenly moving his body side ways and let South get to Senju.

"Kiri-san.... Do something..!" Takemichi turned his head, looking at Rian still holding her umbrella with a calm face.

"Senju will get mad if I interfere. This was her fight. Not interfering is the least I can do." She answered. Not fazed even a bit by what's happening in front of her.

South was already half way to Senju. When a guy flew out of nowhere before their eyes. Everyone looked at the guy, only to realise it was Kakucho. Takemichi's childhood friend.


Turning their heads, only to see Mikey standing next to them. Now facing South.

"Tch, Mikey..."


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