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It's me again with another book but don't worry, this one is complete unlike GTHC. I'm going to publish the entire book on okadabooks and selar first of March insha Allah. You can't afford to miss this book because this is going to be so different from all my other books. When I say different then I mean different, you know I never disappoint right? The suspense in this book, the questions that will fill your head but don't panic, it's also a happily ever after book. I mean, I don't write anything otherwise but I'm going to try (rubbing palms in wickedness) Jannahs fault.

And what else? It's a short story!!! For the first time in my life I'm trying this and it turns out well even though it is said that anything more than 90K words is more than a short story and this is way more but just thirty chapters! Drat, I never thought I could pull it off but I did and I'm damn proud.

Don't be shocked, allow me to be because I still can't believe I did it. It's so hard stopping myself from adding much drama but it's alright, I don't think I'm ever going for short story ever again. It is not my forte! It's an indictment to me, when I have so much wickedness in head. So much suspense. I'm still convalescing, don't ask how I'm coping (tears).

Butttt... I'm only going to publish preview here (10 or 15 chapters), for the first time I'm doing this right? I always publish my books here before doing it anywhere else because I always enjoy listening to your rants, reading your comments and so on but now, it is going to be different. Sighs, you can't imagine what I'm going through. Will my favorite readers read and give me a review or not? Will I even know what I should adjust or where I'm wrong? So much more but I'm doing this. I mean, we have to start moving from one place to the other in order to grow. That's what they always say.

One day I'm going to publish paperback for the world and then what? Okay, I'm done with this sentimental shit (bruh I'm anxious)

Anyways, I hope to see your review after reading the preview and the ones that can read on okadabooks and selar, don't forget to drop one or two after you are done please. I really need review on this more than all others so do send it. Most of you have my number huh? The ones in the group and the others can reach me on;
Instagram: @aishatu.xx or aishatu_xx
Snapchat: aishatu_xx
Or just comment here, my message inbox (even though that one is a bit complicated I don't visit it much now)

I love you all. Bye bye!


"When one of them first attracts your interest, all you know is she's the most provoking creature you've ever encountered. But then you discover that as maddening as she is, you can scarcely wait until the next time you see her. Like the progression of an remediless disease you can never convalesce from. It unfurls from one organ to the next. The craving begins. All other women begin to seem colorless and daft in comparison. You want her until you think you'll go mad from it. You can't stop thinking about her."

–Aman Zubairu Ajuji

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