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Mahnoor took a deep breath before leaving the confines and safety of the car as Nufaisa parked right in front of the few stairs that lead to the high court. A place she's been longing to be.

There are so many people outside waiting for them, she is not sure who but she is about to find out. The journalists are getting more anxious while waiting, questioning this person and that one. Mahnoor had no idea her case was this popular amongst people but it seems like everyone wants to find out how it's going to end.

Her, a wee lady from Niger or thee Zubairu Ajuji feared by the most powerful people in Nigeria?

As soon as their car parked, the reporters hurdled around like bunch of butterflies to flower. In this case, more like bees because they are not nice looking or kindhearted. They want to brutally get information from them and leave.

Nufaisa's hired bodyguards came forward and ushered them into the court, making sure none of the press members came close to them. Mahnoor was grateful, she wouldn't have known what to say to them.

They were asking why she didn't bring the case to court a year ago until now, she cannot give them any tangible answer since the judge is not in front of her. She is not going to clarify anything to anyone, she is done explaining herself. She wants everyone to think whatever, as long as her son's murderer is sent to jail.

They traipsed inside the court, it's filled to the brim and the Ajujis are also there. Her steps wobbled a little but she forced her feet to stand straighter and her spine to rise.

Mahnoor stopped to look at each one of them because they did the same, watching her like bunch of hawks.

Asad is not there with them but all the other siblings are sitting close to one another with their parents at the other end. All their faces were devoid of any emotion and she made sure her face is far more blank, her eyes sharp and calculating like Asad had said.

Najeeba is looking at her with something close to revulsion or maybe something far deeper than that but the feeling is mutual. Not even Fadwa gave her a smile, why else should she give them one they don't deserve? It doesn't matter what they think anyway.

She wanted to give them the middle finger but that'd be childish and she is not the other Mahnoor they knew.

Now they all want her son's justice tarnished while their brother roam around freely and earning more fame that he does not deserve. She won't watch that monster roam around scot free. For killing his own flesh and blood without an ounce of regret or guilt, he should pay for it.

Crisp acrimony bloom and fell on her like an avalanche. Her heart soared with unquenched need for revenge, to avenge her son's death.

To shred out each and every secret hidden behind their facade and show the world the beasts shrouded in that garment of riches and aristocracy. They don't deserve to live like normal people when their actions are bestial.

If only she can do something more appalling, something that will get Zubairu Ajuji himself to jail or maybe his wife and that little Najeeba. They all need to learn a thing or two. That is not her responsibility though. Her main goal is to send her son's murderer to prison.

Looking away from them, her fingers clench into a tight small fist, she followed Nufaisa and Surayya to the front where she found Asad sitting with two empty chairs beside him waiting patiently for them to arrive.

She gave him a forced smile before sitting down next to him, Surayya to her right and Nufaisa in front of them looking all too serious and unlike the person that's just finished jeering her in the car few minutes ago. She admires her professionalism and hard-work, there is no one like Nufaisa Rashidi and that's a fact.

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