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It took Aman forever to evade the horror in front of him then he sprout into action and went to her side. "Take deep breath and close your eyes." He finally said, bringing her to his laps in one strong thug.

She tried doing so but it's taking so much effort from her. He wrapped his arms around her, her head right on his broad chest. He kept whispering sweet nothings to her ear, calming her down with soothing and emollient voice he didn't know he was capable of using or knew existed. So many things and emotions, she should quickly leave before he loses his prudence.

She listened attentively, and then slowly her head lulled to his shoulder and she became more hefty on him. He sighed, cleaning the hidrosis from his forehead because damn, he also panicked for a moment there. Now she is alright, breathing slowed and steadied.

"What the fuck was that?" He questioned after a while, not able to stop himself from cursing along the way. It's been long since he's been terror-stricken so it's only natural he took the old route.

Mahnoor sighed and pushed herself deeper into his arms, making his chest expand for some unknown reasons. He panicked again, what is this? Why is she snuggling to him like a little baby? He gets that she is still filled with adolescence but not too infantile to forget who he is and what he's planned to do to her. But in real sense, what's he planned to do? He wouldn't have done anything to her, it was just to shock her so she can leave the country or something.

"It's called panic attack. I've had it twice after Aasim's death, after Asad's and then this." Her breath kept fanning him even though he is wearing his tangerine prison outfit, he could feel it's sweltering hotness inside, sizzling his blood in process.

"What triggers it?" Unconsciously, his hand went to her back and rub it in an emollient way, to calm her further by instincts.

She gave a shrug, an incomplete one. "I don't know. Some say it's mostly stress and I've been stressed for awhile now so that should be it."

Aman nodded and they continue in silence, none wanting to break it because it's going to yaw awkward the minute they pry their mouths open. But minutes later, Mahnoor got tired of that position and wanted to turn only to stop as if remembering she is in Aman's arms inside his cell! She flushed, she is relishing being in his arms and more so the way he is gently rubbing her back like she is some kitten. Her heart warmed, he is not as bad as he looks to be, he is actually a big softie that loves his brother a lot. That doesn't mean he hasn't wronged her, all she wants from him is an apology but that won't ever come from him, he is so arrogant.

What she's just realized about herself is, she is a very forgiving person. That's just how Allah has created her and she loves that. Our Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die Muslims. That is what she's been praying for her entire life because she knew and had seen how lack of patience tormented the people from her village. So many of them lost their lives, some their whole family and others their friends and parents. What else is there to lose in this world that is filled with fake people? All you have to do is straighten your affairs between you and Allah, and all shall be well in His Grace.

"Now what?" She questioned in desperate need to fill in the silence. Her head is throbbing from everything, she needs a little break from the world and won't mind sleeping for a month straight without waking up, not even for food.

Aman's hands halted, putting a cessation to the movement behind her back but didn't push her away. He is starting to feel things, he hates them, each one of them because he knew what it was going to lead to. Attraction, he doesn't want that. He is probably going to set more distance between them, something he's been avoiding is getting cracked in just a few minutes. This isn't right. Was that how his heart is or this is something new? Or he is just sympathizing with her, pitying all she's been through? Guilty and responsibility?

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