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"Who the hell does she think she is to breach our contract like this? Recapitulating an old murder case? She thinks she is going to win against us? Against me?!" Zubairu Ajuji bellowed in a thick voice, his eyes shining with raw rage that is slowly devouring his viscera.

Asad stood beside him since he was the one that delivered the envelope from the one of the court officers. He just got back from Mahnoor's art exhibition and his pride is fructifying with each thought of her. She's made more than he had in years, she is now a multimillionaire which didn't overwhelm her at all. Because that is not what she's after.

Her only wish is to get his father and brother behind the bars which is why the money didn't shake her, that is not where her desideratum is. She wants to throw any amount so she could get what she wants, justice. What she deserves.

She's paid myriad amount of money before the court directed the police to reopen the case and she got one of them to testify against Zubairu Ajuji when they had come to confirm who's killed his grandson months ago. He was at the hospital when her son was declared dead.

The man is in dire need of money for his wife's surgery so he jumped into the opportunity without looking back. She would've helped him even if he hadn't agreed to succor her but she poked his vulnerability with Nufaisa and got what they wanted at the same time helping him.

She has more than enough to ruin Zubairu Ajuji's reputation and send his son to jail. He is one to tell.

Hajiya Hadiza stood up from the couch and collected, more like yanked the paper from him. She read thoroughly and started to chafe too, not when their career is moving smoothly. Not when their goal to cloak the government is about to come true.

Why is this girl trying to ruin her own life? Does she know whom she is fighting against? They might buy the judge himself if need be but she thinks she can fight them because she's got some flimsy lawyer by her side. Hajiya Hadiza is going to enjoy this tremendously because she's forgiven her son for killing her grandson which was a crime he did while intoxicated but why can't she forgive her husband?

"Who gave this to you?" Hajiya Hadiza asked Asad, placing the paper leisurely on the coffee table beside her.

She surveyed her changed son from head to toe and shook her head. He is definitely a lost cause now.

He's not being himself for the past months, doing things without thinking and just being in autopilot. He says no to his father now more than he's ever done in his entire thirty years of living. Leave the office without telling his father and even failing to meet up some of his fathers standards mainly because he is not willing to please him no more.

They couldn't sit him down and ask why he's suddenly changed after the murder that's happened in the family. They have better things to do than listen to anything soppy from a thirty year old man.

Or is it because Mahnoor has left the house? They've seen how close they were when she was around and how he appreciated her company and bask in it's glory. He glows in it!

He's been away for a few days already and came back with a summon he's collected outside the house to give them. Coincidence? What does that mean? Is he by any chance helping Mahnoor with the case or something?

He's told them they are not in contact with one another but he might just be wrong like he's always been nowadays. She knows when her son is lying but when it comes to Mahnoor, she can never be too sure about what is going on, which is what she wants to find out more desperately than any other thing. She should have investigated sooner.

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