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Asad swiveled around on his chair with his forefinger between his lips, not touching his tongue. His narrowed eyes focused on nothing but the myriad thoughts rushing through his head without rein.

He's managed to pull off yet another prodigious contract with some headstrong Aussies and will be leaving for Australia in a few days but he wants to see his father's face at the news of this new project they've been working on. Perhaps this will make his father proud of him?

He's been working under the man like a puppet trying to get attention but all the man does is push more work in front of him and regard him as he does all his employees. For God's sake, he is his son, flesh and blood. Sometimes he wished he'd followed his dreams like his twin brother did leaving the family business to rot.

But unlike his brother Aman, he's grown up thinking about taking over the company as the oldest son and pleasing his parents not knowing nothing he does will please them but the minute he results in creating scandals -he's avoided that since teenage years- they will turn their backs on him and scold him like a child.

His father wants to become the governor of Bauchi State in three years to come, he wants no hearsay to tarnish his reputation and reduce the likeliness of him getting elected by the poor and impoverished.

He is already trying his best to buy their love by sending free food under the facade of unknown man only to have a few other men shouting his name while he hid in the car, that was all a charade. He wants people to think he is doing it for them and don't want them to know but that's untrue, it is mainly for his own selfish motives and so far, he is getting ahead just well in fooling them.

The government won't ever change.

Asad sighed, he wants to get over everything and just leave the entire place for them and never see them again. His brother is one lucky bastard for choosing what he wanted over his own family, that is something he won't ever forgive him for.

Why would he leave him all alone without even telling him about it? He left without telling him he's planned things out and they were inseparable then. Asad felt betrayed by his own twin brother and didn't answer his calls for months. But he couldn't stay mad for long.

Asad knew he was different from all other people. He is easily attached to people and when they don't return that same effort and feelings, he will leave them for good and never turn back to them but this is his twin brother, he cannot do that to him. He couldn't actually, he's tried but it was hard.

They grew up having each other's backs and been the main support in each other's life. Had Aman been any other person, Asad is sure as hell he won't ever sniff anything he's ever been in the presence of. That is how he cuts people off, forgetting they existed and were merely figments of his imagination or daydreams. It's easier that way.

Cursing inwardly, he blinked back and listen to his girlfriend on phone. "...two hours ago. Why are you doing this to me?"

Asad cracked his head to remember what they were talking about before he slipped out of reality into his own cranium.

What had they been talking about just few minutes ago? Was she talking about her father's health or something else? She's been talking about him since he got hospitalized four days ago so she's probably talking about him visiting her father so she can see how serious he is about their relationship.

He cleared his throat and smiled at the view in front of him, the sun. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." He deepened his voice, he is sure she is blushing now and she's forgiven him, it has always worked. "I'll be there now. I don't have much to do anyway."

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