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"If I ever give birth again, kill me with rat poison! I won't ever give birth again in my life, never again." Mahnoor wailed to Jameela, pushing her head around her bosom for comfort since her mother is yet to arrive from Niger.

"That's what they all say." Jameela chuckled because she can clearly remember saying that same thing after giving birth to her first daughter because why not? The pain was unbearable and she almost lost her head in process.

Jameela and Haleema chuckled at that while Fadwa rub her palms around Mahnoor's back in an emollient gesture. She gave birth to a bouncing baby boy few hours ago and the whole Ajuji family is with her, Najeeba included. The parents aren't here and she couldn't be more grateful, they'd make things all awkward for them. Asad is by the window staring out with a blank expression but that's alright, he is just overwhelmed with the way things are moving so rapidly.

Haleema mumbled to the small circle around them. "Don't worry, the time you will conceive again you won't even know."

Mahnoor shook her head. "I won't forget this pain. I don't know how you all do it but no, this is a constant reminder that our mothers are incredibly amazing."

That brought sudden quietness in the room and she bit her lip, they are not really that tight with their mother.

"How about you sleep for a few hours then we can pack up tomorrow? It's already so late." Fadwa stood up from the bed so she can lie down which she did gratefully. She couldn't sleep but now, her eyes are so droopy.

Her eyes fell on Najeeba who stood at the baby crib snapping pictures and videos of her baby, her hands playing with him. She almost rolled her eyes and bite her lip so as to not tell her to stay away from her child. She shouldn't love the baby that's just left her womb if she seriously doesn't like her. And the baby too is smiling at his aunt, Mahnoor is not liking his buoyant nature but a loving smile graced her lips at the sight of his unknowing smile, children don't smile some say? Well, her child is smiling.

The connection she's felt with her kid was surreal. That was what she called love at first sight because at the first, she knew she'd do everything in her power to protect him from the evil world. He doesn't look like his father neither does he look like her and for that, she is extremely grateful. She cannot afford looking at her husband's face in her child when the father is not around throughout the journey. There should only be the two of them, cloaked together in warmth and raw adoration.

"We are going for now. Asad will stay back for a few hours then leave so the nurse can take over. Or do you want me to stay with you for the night? Ibrahim will understand." Fadwa suggested, her face joyous but also filled with concern. She clearly likes Mahnoor more than the other sisters, she is always there for her.

Mahnoor grinned in her stupor and mumbled. "Don't worry about me. I can stay the night and my mom should be here in few hours which means, I'm going to get overwhelmed."

The sisters shoulders sagged in relief then they busied themselves clearing up the room. Asad came to the bed and adjusted the hospital cap on her head, pushed all the stubborn hairs inside so she can have a peaceful sleep. Mahnoor smiled gratefully then closed her eyes, allowing sleep and exhaustion to take over her senses and muscles.

Seven days later, the traditional naming ceremony is about to take place. Mahnoor didn't want it at first but after a few words from Haleema about how it happens and how beggars from the street get food for the day for free, she relented. And who would say no to free food, music and extravagant outfits. A seamstress was sent to take her new measurement to sew new clothes for her for the ceremony and after seeing the designs and styles the woman is capable of doing, she got excited to try on her outfit.

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