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Aman listened attentively as the young lady sitting with her back facing him continue to ramble on and on about his parents to the maids. He's asked them not to tell her he is standing right behind her and she should continue to talk, he wants to find out more about what she thinks of him and apparently, he is an idiot and his parents are heartless set of people. Whoever this girl is have some guts even with the childishness marring her voice in thick cocoon.

And did she seriously think he is here to just complete the marriage and leave? How stupid of some women to think marriage is all about consummation and nothing after that. She thinks he is going to sleep with her just like that? He doesn't know why his father forced this girl onto him but he will make sure she gets the message that he is not to be messed with. It's clear he won't be able to take her back to Portland with him, she talks a lot and her mouth doesn't have filter which is something he cannot tolerate in the woman he wanted to marry. Half his life in Portland is practically public, with too much rambles from her and their whole secret will be out with one meeting and good food. She could easily be swayed by some handsome paparazzi, he won't take that.

He watched quietly as she struggled to get on her feet before two of the younger looking maids went to her aid where she tried pushing off their arms but they were adamant and helped her to her feet. She groaned and rubbed her buttock in annoyance then yank herself away from the maids that endorsed her back to her feet. Clearly not needing suffragettes no more.

He could see from her side view that she is glaring at every single one of them, her nose upturned in a bratty childlike way that makes him cringe. His father got him married to a bairn? Is this man really serious right now. He wants him to act like a babysitter or nanny? Or maybe succor her and groom her into what he wants but that is not the root for marriage.

Mahnoor is too into her own pain to remember that she fell down because of the man she's seen behind her looking every inch godlike. She is now filled with wrath that they knew he was standing behind her and she kept on rambling even though she doesn't know who he is. If she will take a wild guess, he is her husband and in all frankness, she does not wish to turn back and look at him again. He is so freaking gorgeous, her words choked in her throat and she lost her balance in process. No one told her he is this handsome.

She shoot them daggers with her eyes before murmuring in a quiet voice that should sound threatening but she sounded like a cartoon anime. "You girls are traitors, I hate all of you. Why didn't you tell me there is someone behind me?"

Ummi was the one to answer in a low voice as she pushed her head closer to hers. "He gestured that we shouldn't. I'm sorry."

Mahnoor gritted her teeth some more, the guy is also a lunatic from the looks of it. What did she expect though? He is Zubairu Ajuji's son which means his father's blood run through his veins. "Is he the husband, Aman?"

Nana looked bemused and amused at the same time. So Mahnoor doesn't know how her husband looks like at all? What sort of family is the Ajuji's that they won't show her the picture of the man she is married to for a year now? Nevertheless, she gave an answer happily. "He is the one and only Aman Zubairu Ajuji, your hubby."

Mahnoor straightened at that and counted to ten because this is going to happen and she won't stop it from doing so. Her heart in staccato, cacophony ringing in her ears.

She's never seen her husband, she doesn't know him so there is no way she is going to let this chance slip off her fingers. She will meet him today and if he is not careful, earn an earful from her for keeping her waiting for more than five hours. What was he thinking anyway? Why didn't he come straight here after his arrival? Maybe just greet her and leave but he didn't, neither did he send any message. The entire Ajuji family are stampeding over her, a cessation is to be stamped.

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