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"Aman? What the hell?" She scowled, her voice rising a notch higher, shrinking back into her sit as if to disappear from the face of earth and stop the air hostess from talking about their departure then run for her life.

Aman sat down on the sit beside her, the one he bribed an old woman to give him with an autograph. "Wifey? What the hell?" He mimicked, adjusting the head rest a notch higher because of his tall frame.

She frowned and he did so too, she scowled and he followed suit, she glared and he was quick at her tails then they both laugh at their silliness. It's good to know she can laugh with him about something but that doesn't mean she is not fearing for herself. She's realized that her feelings are getting entangled with him, that is the last thing she wants to happen but it is happening or has it happened already? Or like Azima had said, maybe she never really stopped loving him after all. Because she cannot catch feelings in just the matter of a few days spent with him in his prison finding out about his life story.

"What are you doing here? Last I checked, you were still in the prison." Her fingers played with the edges of the magazine in her hand, she cocked her head to view him in detail.

Aman dropped his gaze to the floor. The sight of her caused a sharp pain in his throat, as if it had been pierced with a stiletto. He willed the blanketing numbness to come back, and mercifully it did. He's been thinking about her the whole time in the prison knowing what he's done to her was really unfair and the only way to get and earn her forgiveness rightfully is by accepting her as his wife and doing all a husband does. Fulfilling all of his responsibilities as a good husband, something he is not sure he can do but will definitely try.

He is wearing one of his jerseys with his name written in bold letters behind, she cannot see his back but she's seen the shirt countless times in their home then, he had many. And some of his fans too wear it from time to time. Beneath is denim slim shirt and boat sneakers encased his strong feet. His hair grown and disheveled in a bad boy way that makes him look younger, his face shaved to perfection leaving little bit of stubble for the sake of his looks. She's always thought Asad was the fashionista amongst the brothers but maybe she's judged wrong because Aman takes care of every detail related to him.

She also came to conclusion yet again, Aman was the complete opposite of her dream lover. There was nothing kind, sensitive, or remotely boyish about him, only the bad boy vibe that your mother would've asked you to stay away from. He was a predator who undoubtedly liked to cavort with his victim before annihilating it. He was tall and lean, his body a perfect frame for elegantly simple clothes that provided a minimum of distraction from his swarthy olive handsomeness. Although he's reduced his age in real sense to the world, he looks every inch younger than his thirty years.

In the football world, he is just a twenty six year old striving to become greater before his time expires but it looks like there is no expiring with him. He is the best they've got and everyone is anxious about the FIFA World Cup that's coming without him in the team. Well, their favorite player is back and they should be rest assured he won't let them down after the support they've shown him when he got dismissed. There was a riot, protests and so on. Do they know about him coming back or are they also left in the dark?

He's got alluring and dazzling eyes that showed no emotion when he smiled, they are empty and abysmal. The smile itself was enough to steal the breath from one's body, the sensuous, cynical mouth that made her feel so many things for days, the flash of white teeth... Oh, Aman was a divine and elegant man. And well he knew it. He is just never arrogant about his looks but is a narcissistic bastard, thinks of himself some great eminent God that makes no mistake when he is clearly mortal.

"I'm leaving the country of course. I was told you were on your way to God knows where so I booked the same flight. I mean, you are my wife after all. Everywhere you go I follow." He wiggled one brow, yaw his attention to the air hostess asking whether they want something but he declined.

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