Chapter 3

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I followed Nat silently blushing from head to toe as we made our way towards the training pit only to be stopped as we turned one final corner. "Look, sweetie, I know what you're feeling right now. It feels like you're burning alive from the inside out and that only he can be the one to put the fire that burns beneath your skin out. Am I right?" She asked softly as she looked at me. Biting my lip and remembering his deep husky voice in my ear I closed my eyes as I nodded feeling almost ashamed that I couldn't control myself.

To my great surprise I heard her chuckle and opened my eyes to find her smiling at me. "My dear sweet sister, don't feel bad for what you are feeling. It's perfectly natural although to be completely honest with you, I do wish that you hadn't fallen for Loki of all people but that's neither here nor there. If you truly wish him to notice you then I will help you in this endeavor but you might want to keep your cool around Clint. Otherwise, he'll rip Loki apart with his bare hands and won't even apologize for it." She said smiling a bit sinisterly. I looked at her completely confused and said, "Sister, what-" a loud cough caused me to stop mid sentence and I looked around to see Sif standing in the hallway looking rather impatient.

"Sorry." Both Nat and I mumbled and ran into the training pit. After a long gruelling hour we finally fell flat on our backs exhausted but laughing. "I've never seen females such as yourselves with as much fire in their blood when in comes to fighting." Sif said after catching her breath. "It's the red hair and short stature combo." I said causing Nat and Sif to crack up laughing. Nat was laughing so hard at this point she actually snorted and we all cracked up laughing even harder until tears ran down our cheeks and our sides hurt.

" realize that...I telling the rest...of the guys....about you snorting right?" I said as I finally calmed back down. Nat glared at me in the most loving way possible and said, "I know where you sleep you do realize this right?" She threatened jokingly. "Hey, as long as you don't bury me in New Jersey I'll be fine. But if you dump my body one scant millimeter inside New Jersey I will haunt your ghost." I said getting to my feet and then helping her up. Sif looked totally confused and we explained what we meant as we made our way back to our rooms. "Oh hell that place sounds like an absolute nightmare!" She exclaimed with a horrified look on her face as we reached our rooma.

"You literally have no idea." I said as I opened my door. "Oh I was supposed to tell you dinner is in an hour and a half!" She sang as she slid inside her own room and shut the door giggling at the looks on our faces. Nat was the first to recover from this stunning news and immediately tackled me into my room and barked, "Get washed up! Now!" Completely confused as to what she was on about I did as I was told taking extra time on my hair. After forty five minutes I came out looking (and smelling) much better. "Here put this on." She said shoving an emerald green silky something into my arms.

"I...wait.. What?" I asked now utterly lost. "Just go!" She growled as she made her way to the bathroom. After another thirty minutes she came out wearing a black dress and I'd managed to finally zip myself into the most beautiful emerald green silk dress I'd ever had grace my skin. As soon as Nat saw mw she stopped dead in her tracks and gasped. "Oh honey! You look beautiful!" She whispered and pulled me in for a hug.

After ten minutes we decided on a black smokey eye for me and a gold shimmery smokey eye for her with both of us wearing red lipstick. I'd just gotten my hair brushed out when a knock at the door was heard. "Come in!" We both said and the door opened and Sif came walking in beaming. "Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to borrow a dress of mine but I see you have that covered." She teased. "Oh dah-ling we always come prepared!" I said cauaing us all to erupt in a peal of giggles. "Come on. I'll lead you back to the feast." She said as Nat and I both put on our shoes. I choose my trusty black knee high boots and Nat went with a pair of slinky silver heels. We'd just started down the hallway when I said, "Where's Wanda?"

Sif didn't say anything she simply pointed and Nat and I both staggered to a halt. Wanda was standing at the end of the hall wearing an absolutely stunning white dress that faded into a deep ocean blue with her hair in a simple pony. "Sister, I think we've been shown up!" I play pouted as we got within hearing range. Wanda giggled and Nat and I linked arms with her and Sif as we made our way into the feast. The room was absolutely packed with people and once we walked the volume of the room quieted a bit as people looked up to see who was coming in.

Sif who was wearing a sexy little red number pulled us all over to meet some of her family members who immediately made us all feel right at home. Wanda who was painfully shy even when we were all in Stark Tower was actually having a good time laughing and joking with Sif's aunt. We had just finished hearing a story of Sif's very first brawl when a low voice behind me said, "Where did you learn the power to leave a god speechless my dear?"

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