Chapter 12

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I knew as soon as I woke up that something was off mainly because I'd woken up. Not been woken up by Sigyn or Hela yanking me up by the hair of the head which was the norm since I'd gotten here. Sitting up slowly, I looked around cautiously to try and figure out where they were and if this was a trick or not. A loud clang from the main hall that Hela had first tormented me in caused me to almost jump out of my skin and I stood up using the wall to support myself and staggered over to the door to look out the small bar covered opening and what I saw stunned me so thoroughly that when I managed to actually process what I was seeing I was already halfway saved.

There, in the middle of the main hall, surrounded by warriors and clad in his golden armor with a look of absolute rage blazing on his face, stood the All-Father. "Where. Is. She?" He spoke very calmly and quietly. Though he spoke in this manner, I could tell by the way he gripped the hilt of his sword that it was a monumental feat for him to remain this calm and not rip apart this hellish place to find me. "Why, Father. You honestly think that I'd tell you where my new favorite plaything's plaything is?" Hela sneered as she reclined in her black throne. I gasped, stunned that Odin was her father and before anyone could do or say anything else one of the other warriors looked straight at me and gasped loudly causing everyone to turn and look at him.

"All-Father! She's there! Loki's Midgardian is there in that cell! LOOK!" The warrior cried and pointed towards me. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Odin turned to look where the warrior was pointing and I had an internal battle with myself. Half of me thought that this was a trick. It had to be a trick and the cruelest one of all on Hela's part that she would cause me to hallucinate that which I'd hoped and wished and sobbed for ever since she'd drug me to this nightmarish realm of hers. The other half of me, though, was screaming with joy that I was finally being rescued. I was going to be taken back to Asgard where I would see my friends and family...and my Loki.

I made a snap decision, then and there, and stuck my arm out and began shouting and as soon as I did Odin's eye looked directly at me and I knew that this was no hallucination. Hot tears began to pour down my face as he walked towards my cell and I yanked my arm back in and waited for him to get the door open. "Stand back, my lady." He said gruffly and I immediately moved away from the door to the right just as he kicked the door in and walked over to me in three large strides. "Oh, my dear Midgardian. I am so sorry that you've had to go through all of this but I assure you...Hela will pay dearly for this. Now I am going to see you safely back to Asgard where, I believe, my dearest wife is pacing the marble from the floors of the banquet hall waiting for your return." He said as he hugged me to him.

Tears still pouring down my face and a knot in my throat rendering me unable to speak, I simply nodded and let him help me out of the cell. We were halfway across the main hall when I heard someone walk into the room from behind us and say, "So Hela what are we going to do with our new toy today?" I froze hoping against hope that this really wasn't an illusion and looked up at Odin who'd apparently read my mind.

"Heimdall, take her back. Now." Odin said as his eye blazed a bright gold, far brighter than even Heimdall's. Before I could open my mouth to say anything a blinding white light enveloped me and I heard Sigyn and Hela both scream as Odin whirled on them and I slammed my eyes shut.

Loki's POV

Odin had gathered us all in the banquet hall and told us to wait that he would take care of everything...three bloody days ago. At first, mother and I had taken to simply sitting in our regular chairs with our heads down and didn't speak a word. Every so often a maid would pop her head in to see if anyone wanted anything to eat but everyone would simply shake their heads no and continue doing what they were doing before. Steve, Bucky, Tony, Bruce, and Vision were all trying to console Natasha and Wanda who had cried themselves sick over Daci.

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