Chapter 15

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I managed to get my shorts and his shirt on in record time and yanked open the door just as Loki registered what I was doing. "No!" He roared as I yanked open the door and damn near ran over Nat and Wanda. "What the bloody hell are ya doing just standing there?! RUN!" I yelled and grabbed them both by their hands and took off running down the hallway. We rounded a corner and ran into Sif, Steve, Bucky, Odin, Frigga, Tony, Sam and Vision and I ducked under Bucky's arm as he turned and slung his arm up apparently thinking that he was being attacked. I straightened back up just in time to grab Sif and Freya who started laughing and Nat yelled to a very confused looking Bucky as we ran down the hallway, "Sorry, Bucky bear! If my sister is going to play the hide and seek sex game then so are we!"

Wanda took the opportunity to yell, "SAME, V!" as we rounded the corner towards the main doors out of the palace and we managed to bolt out of them and down the stairs outside at a dead sprint. "Where are we going?" Sif and Frigga gasped and I whirled around as I heard a faint clattering at the top of the stairs and looked up to see the guys being held up by the guards and I burst out laughing and took off jogging towards the stables as I heard Loki yell, "You know you're getting punished for this when I catch you!" I looked back over my shoulder and yelled back, "Promises, promises, my love," then ducked into the dark, musty stables.

I looked around quickly for the horses and was almost knocked flat on my ass as the stable master came leading five of the most beautiful horses up to us and it didn't take me but a few seconds to figure out which horse was Loki's. Standing in the middle of the group of horses was the most breathtaking pure black stallion I'd ever laid eyes on and I looked over at Frigga who immediately nodded.

Without another second's hesitation, I grabbed the reins to it and jumped on it's back and turned it around and kicked it's sides and shot out of the stable doors in the back just as Loki, Bucky, Odin, Vision, and of all people Steve came bursting through the doors. I looked over at Sif who was blushing to her very soul and yelled over the clattering of hooves on cobblestone, "You do realize that when we get to where we're going, you and I are going to have a very long discussion, right?" Sif hung her head as we galloped towards the gates leading to the meadow outside of the royal city and the guards let us through at once. I hazarded a glance over my shoulder and saw that these guards were holding up the guys as well and shook my head grinning from ear to ear as we shot out in to the meadow and we all split up in different directions.

Sif and Frigga both went left although Sif took a hard left and Frigga went more in a diagonal direction and Nat and Wanda did the same only to the right, Nat being the one who took the hard right and Wanda being the one who went more diagonally and I stayed going straight. It wasn't long though before I could hear another horse behind me and I leaned down against my horse as low as I could as we shot towards a crumbling pile of stone that looked like it'd once been a little cottage.

As I drew closer to it, a flash of green light enveloped it and sure enough there stood a tiny little cottage and I slowed the horse down just as Loki came up behind me and I hopped off the horse and bolted into the cottage laughing. I didn't bother trying to shut the door because I knew that he'd simply kick the door in and about five seconds after I made it inside, he walked through the door, eyes glowing a gorgeous emerald green as he stared down at me. "You...have been...a very naughty girl." He said growling the last three words and I felt my knees give and I hit the dirt floor in front of him and I bit my lip. He walked towards me slowly and I felt the heat between my legs return tenfold this time and bit my lip harder to keep quiet as he walk in a circle around me.

"You like teasing me, hmm? You like watching my eyes turn different shades of green and blue when you dangle yourself just out of reach? If it were any other woman but you I'd have them stripped and flogged for my amusement are my queen, my goddess, my very heart and whatever it is that makes you happy, I will happily allow. But please, love," He said finally stopping right behind me as he began trailing his fingers up and down my shoulders and neck causing me to shiver in anticipation as he whispered the rest of his sentence.

"Don't run from me. I know you like to tease but it terrifies me when I see you run like that. All I can think of is you falling like when we first met and I would lose my mind if you were to get hurt." His fingers stopped and I realized that he truly meant what he was saying and I stood up and turned around to face him and a truly astonishing sight met my eyes when I did. Loki had his head down and as I watched closely a single tear slowly crept down his cheek and I leaned up and kissed it away causing him to start. "I'm sorry I worried you, my King." I whispered as I kissed him softly on the lips. He moaned softly into the kiss and his hands wandered to my hips and he turned us and suddenly I was on a bed. It was soft almost like his except it was quite a bit smaller and barely fit the both of us. Still kissing me he yanked my shorts off and his black leather pants and slowly, very slowly pushed his thick cock inside of me almost as if he didn't want to hurt me.

I gasped breaking the kiss and he chuckled softly and kissed me on the forehead and said, "I don't want to be rough this time, darling. I want to make love to you." I smiled up at him and nodded as he began to thrust slowly causing us both to moan softly. He brought his lips to mine again as he kept thrusting slowly and he began whispering the sweetest things in my ear. "Do you know how truly exquisite you are, my goddess?" He whispered as he kissed the skin beneath my ear causing me to gasp and tangle my left hand in his hair gently as he laced his fingers with mine on my other hand. "Every time you walk into a room, you still steal my breath to this very day with your radiant beauty. Every time you kiss me, I have to pinch myself to make sure I haven't dreamed you up as some sort of cruel joke on myself. And every time we make love I spend hours lying awake watching you sleep in my arms because I just love you so much."

I moaned softly as tears began to slip down my cheeks and he kissed them all away and whispered, "Don't cry, my goddess. For the first time in my long, lonely, miserable existence, I speak only the truth. I know what those of Asgard and Midgard call me. They call me the Trickster, my love. But I could never bring myself to deceive you." I opened my legs wider and he sped up just enough that soon we were both panting, gasping and moaning for each other. "L-Loki." I moaned on a broken whisper.

"Shhh, you don't have to ask this time, my love." He said as he laid his forehead against mine as he started to cum. I leaned up just enough that my lips were on his and his tongue slid against my kiss bruised bottom lip as I gasped as my orgasm ripped through me and he slid his tongue against mine. He continued until he'd given me not one but four of the most earth shattering orgasms I'd ever been given and we both fell asleep in each others arms in the tiny cottage as it began to rain outside.

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