Chapter 7

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I smiled as I reached up to touch my lips which were still slightly tingling from where he'd kissed me and looked up to see Frigga and Sif almost in tears and hugging each other. Thor had walked up behind Loki and clapped him on the back and said, "This is wonderful, brother! You two shall be good for one another!" I chanced a glance up at Odin to see that he was absolutely beaming from ear to ear at Loki and I. Looking back over to Freya and Sif I noticed that Sigyn now had tears silently pouring down her face as she stumbled from the room and Sif tore off after her.

My smile faded a bit as I began chewing my lip only to have Loki pull my lip from between my teeth and say in a husky voice in front of the remaining people, "Don't do that, dove." I went to open my mouth to say something and then heard Frigga actually squeal and blushed from head to toe and buried my face in Loki's chest as I began giggling. At this point, Odin stood up off his throne and walked to Frigga and enveloped her in a tight hug and said, "They remind me of us when we were that age, my love." This caused Loki, Thor and Frigga to all burst out laughing although now Frigga was blushing just as hard as I was.

I raised my head and playfully gawked at Odin and said, "Why, Odin! Are you telling me that you were rebellious and mischievous?!" Frigga who was already giggling full out snorted at my question which caused the rest of us to laugh even harder. Odin was clutching his sides, Thor was leaning against the wall and Loki and I were wrapped in each others arms as tears of hysterical laughter poured down our faces. "Oh..Oh my dear...You idea....where Loki...truly gets...his tricky ways...from!" Frigga managed to say. Frigga and I talked for about an hour them telling me old stories about Odin's glory days and causing us all to laugh at some of his stunts until Sif walked in and stopped dead in her tracks looking quite confused.

"I think I missed something. Why are you all laughing?" She asked looking from one person to the next. "Oh, my dear Sif. Our sweet Midgardian maiden here asked Odin if he was rebellious and mischievous when he was Loki's age. I couldn'thelp myself. I had to tell her the old stories." Frigga said a huge smile still on her face. Sif blinked a few times then she too burst into a fit of giggles.

It took several more minutes for her to calm down but finally she managed to calm herself just as Odin asked, "What happened to Sigyn?" Immediately the room went from calm and jovial to tense and almost cold. "That's what I came in here to tell you, my King. After she ran from here I followed her for as long as I could. She'd just turned the corner to the hallway that lead to the rooms that the female Midgardians were housed in when she disappeared." Sif said in a quiet but deadly serious voice. Immediately, I was out of Loki's arms and sprinting out of the throne room and back towards my old room with all of them right behind me.

"Daci!" Frigga, Odin, and Sif said. "No!" Thor yelled as he took off running after everyone else. "Dove, don't!" Loki pleaded but I ignored them all and kept running. As I sprinted down the longest hallway, tears began to fall from my eyes as I envisioned Nat and Wanda being tortured by Sigyn because of me and I pushed myself harder. Just as I was turning the corner to the hallway where my former room was a scream rent the air and tore through me bringing me up short. I knew that scream. I heard it many times in battle and had killed the people who had caused it to issue forth from my sister's lips.

"Natasha!" I moaned as I hit my knees and Loki was immediately beside me as my strength both emotional and physical failed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to sob. "Shhhh, it's alright, my love. Everything's alright. Odin and Frigga will take care of Sigyn." He murmured softly in my ear as Frigga, who's eyes were the lightest blue I'd ever seen them, and Odin, who looked ready to tear Sigyn limb from limb, strode forward towards the door of my former room. Another louder more terrified scream ripped through the air and tore at my soul and I sobbed harder as Loki pulled my head down into his neck and began whispering in my ear.

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