Chapter 8

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"Ohhhhh shhhiiiiiiit." I heard Falcon whisper and immediately Tony, Nat and I all whisper shouted, "LANGUAGE!" This caused the tension in the hallway to lighten considerably as we all cracked up. Even Odin, Frigga, Sif, Loki and Thor couldn't help but laugh. Finally, after we'd stopped laughing Odin walked up behind Clint and said, "I know of what he did to you. I know why you are worried about her but think on it like this. If he didn't truly love her to the bottom of his soul, would he have risked his own life to save hers? Would he have moved her to his bedchambers when she was sick after drinking too much Asgardian mead and took care of her for three days and nights whilst she vomited up all sorts of vileness? I have known Loki to do some extremely cruel and heartless things but..." Odin paused and smiled softly and then continued on.

"I can tell that my son is truly in love with your daughter. And it's not just the fact that he can't stop talking about her or that his eyes unknowingly follow her whenever she walks across the banquet hall." At this point, Loki and I were both blushing from head to toe, apparently trying to see who could blush a deeper shade of scarlet. Loki planted his face in my neck as he wrapped his arms around me from behind and groaned as his mother jumped in as well. "It's true, you know. I've heard him singing the sweetest songs that I've ever heard about her. And he doesn't care who hears them because I'm quite certain that Odin, Thor, Sif and quite a few others have heard him. Although, I must admit he does have quite a lovely singing voice when it comes to singing about her."

I reached up with my right hand and began toying with a strand of his hair that had fallen out of place and tried not to moan as he began planting soft kisses up and down my neck. It was at this precise moment that my dear wretched sister and best friend decided that they were going to include me in the verbal festivities.

"That is so sweet!" Nat and Wanda cooed together. "You should have seen the way that she fawned over him the first time she laid eyes on him. You would've thought that he'd plucked every star from the sky just for her and laid them at her feet." I shut my eyes and cringed as I felt rather than heard Loki start laughing behind me. "Oh that is just adorable! Odin, my love, what is it that Loki calls her in our native tongue again?" Frigga said. At this point, Loki had leaned up and placed a kiss under my ear that damned near dropped me to my knees but he tightened his arms around me to keep me upright and whispered, "I'm going to sneak us away, dove. Just do what I do."

Very slowly he started swaying us on the spot and confusion set it almost immediately but I didn't question him I only nodded very slightly and swallowed hard which caused him to chuckle darkly in my ear. "Helfyri gypsy." Odin said as he winked at me and I, proving everyone including myself, wrong about being unable to blush any harder by blushing not only one but two shades darker. Clint went to open his mouth but took one look at me and cracked up laughing hysterically which caused everyone else to as well.

Nat, Wanda, Vision, Pietro, Clint, Thor and Frigga were all gigglesnorting they were laughing so hard, Steve, Bucky, Odin, Sam, Bruce, Peter and Sif were all either leaning against each other or against the walls as they laughed and Loki lifted his head and took one look at me and we cracked up as well. After several long minutes of all of us laughing until our sides hurt finally someone managed to calm down enough to ask what everyone had been wanting to ask before the hysterics had occurred. "So what does that mean?" Peter asked from the back of the group wiping tears from his face as the rest of us regained the ability to breath again.

"I'm sorry, my dear, what does what mean?" Frigga asked as everyone began taking deep breaths and Loki decided to whisper the answer in my ear causing my already weak legs to become even more so as his breath whispered across my neck and I heard his deep voice whisper, "It means hellfire gypsy, my goddess." I bit down hard on my lip as Frigga said the same thing to the rest of our crew. Wanda and Nat gasped with looks of absolute jealousy and adoration in their eyes and the guys looked at each other then back to Freya confused. Before anyone could ask another question that would have us in hysterics, Odin gasped and said, "I completely forgot to inform you all! The next two weeks will be a masquerade ball here in Asgard. I believe you Midgardians call it All Hallow's Eve?" He looked around at all of us for conformation and we all nodded looking a bit worried.

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