Chapter 18

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I sat straight up in bed and instantly regretted my decision as I bolted out of bed and into the bathroom where I was once again found by Loki just like all those many months ago. "Sweetheart, you really need to stop trying to out drink Thor and the Warriors Three. You may win the battle but as you can see you lose the war the next morning." He chuckled as he helped me stand after I flushed the toilet.

I leaned my head against the cool skin of his chest and groaned but then my eyes shot open as a thought hit me. "Loki." I whispered quietly not daring to move. "Yes, darling?" He murmured placing soft kisses on my forehead whilst gently swaying back and forth and rubbing my back. "Loki...I didn't drink any mead last night, remember? Thor was making fun of me saying that I was getting on up in years." I whispered trying not to let my nerves get the best of me. I remember several times of him whispering how he wanted me to have his children and how he wanted to see me swollen with them in his bed chambers but I had chalked that down to just his version of dirty talk I never actually thought that he'd been serious the entire time. That was until he stopped swaying and I felt two cool fingers under my chin and suddenly I was looking into his blue green eyes that were full of excitement, hope and something else I couldn't quite read.

"We must get you to the Healers at one, my love." He whispered after a few tense, silent moments and I nodded and then screamed as he picked me up wrapping my arms and legs around him as he set off at a dead run towards the Healers. "Loki, I'm not wearing any clothes!" I shrieked as he rounded a corner. "Doesn't matter, you'll have to take them off for the Healers to examine you anyways and I dare someone to look at my queen in all her glory." He growled the last part of the sentence and slid a finger between us to tease my clit. I gasped and bit his neck and moaned, "Loki, this is what got us in this situation to begin with, my love!"

He laughed darkly as he took off his cape and laid me in on the bed as Healers came rushing from every direction towards us. "What's wrong, Prince Loki?" An older nurse asked as she began feeling my forehead. "She got sick this morning." He said softly and looked at the nurse. "Well, that's not uncommon when one tries to out drink the Warriors Three." She said chuckling and shaking her head. "No, Matron. I mean she got SICK this morning." He said putting special emphasis on the word sick. It took the nurse all of a split second before her eyes went wide and she gasped and shooed him out of the room as he spluttered indignantly and I laughed and said, "I'll be back out in a few minutes, my Prince, you'll live!" He huffed and stuck his bottom lip out in the cutest pout but nodded and walked out into the hallway as the nurses began messing with the charts that popped up around me on the bed. Everyone was completely silent as the Matron pulled up something and all of a sudden the sound of not one but two tiny heartbeats filled the room and my heart almost burst with joy as I looked up at her and whispered, "Twins?"

She nodded absolutely beaming and I screamed, "LOKI!" The door burst open and Loki followed by Sif came running into the room both looking half panicked and half like they were ready to start a war. That is until they stopped and it registered on them what they were listening to. "You're pregnant?!" Sif cried as she ran over to me and enveloped me in a hug and Loki whispered, "There's two. There's two heartbeats." Sif's head shot up and again the room went completely quiet the only sound in the room being the two tiny heartbeats. Before I could say much of anything though Loki turned and strode out of the room his face unreadable and my heart shattered.

"I knew it." I sobbed an hour later in mine and Loki's room now fully dressed but lying on the bed with my head in Sif's lap. "Sweet girl, that man is a fool and a coward if he says that he wants you but not the children he helped conceive." She growled as she ran her hand through my hair. I wrapped my arms around her waist and sobbed not caring anymore about what I looked or sounded like only wanting both my husband to be here and for my babies to be alright through all of this. I could hear loud voices in the hallway that sounded like they were coming towards the room, but I didn't care nor did I move from Sif's lap I simply pulled the covers up over me and continued to cry my heart constricting painfully in my chest.

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