Chapter 11

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I screamed and kicked and sobbed but to no avail as I was drug across the rocky ground of Helheim behind Hela who laughed as she drug me along. "Please, I haven't done anything to you! Just let me GO!" I begged her as I flipped over and pleaded with her back but to no avail. She completely ignored me and continued to walk towards something in the distance.

After what seemed like hours we finally approached a large black castle, it's silhouette large and dark against the rest of the depressing landscape. She gestured as though flicking away a fly and the huge doors to the castle flew open and I was immediately met with the sounds of miserable moans and agonized screams and I felt an ice cold ripple of fear coursed through me as the realization hit that I was going to be hurt, badly, and there was little to nothing I could do about it. Hot tears began once again to stream down my face and I hugged myself as I squeezed my eyes shut and more tears began to fall as she slung me, using the tendril of dark red magic, across the room and I landed ribs first into a pillar and yelped in pain. I didn't move an inch because I knew that if I did the pain that she was going to inflict upon me would be much worse for doing so, so I laid still the only movements were my ragged breathing.

"Not going to fight? Have you already given up?" She sneered as she stalked towards me her voice practically dripping with venom. Looking up at her through my tear filled eyes I watched as the black clad goddess of death advanced slowly towards me and ran my tongue across my dry lips and whispered hoarsely, "No, Hela. I'm not going to fight you. I've done nothing to you for you to steal me away like you did and for you to hurt me like I know you're going to. So do what you will to me but just know I'm not going to retaliate, I'm not going to submit and I damn sure will return to my love, your brother, Loki." As soon as his name was out of my mouth her swords were in her hands and I braced myself moments before she drove first one then the other deep into my chest popping my lungs causing me to scream in agony. She twisted the blades to cause severe bleeding and I screamed louder although this time it was more of a gurgling scream due to the massive amounts of blood filling my lungs.

Ripping the blades out of my chest she leaned down and closed a hand around my throat and hissed in my ear, "I'm going to take great pleasure in breaking you, you pathetic little mortal." Just as she slams me back down I swore I saw a dark figure standing in the corner vanish. A figure that looked as though it was wearing gold armor with a deep red fur cape and an eye patch. Before I could process whether I'd truly seen who I honestly hoped I had saw she kicks me and my vision goes black.

Loki's POV

"WHY ARE YOU HOLDING ME BACK?!" I scream as I writhe against my father and brother as the Avengers all come to where they'd been tossed. "Loki, my son, you could not have bested her. She is..." Odin said faltering causing everyone even Frigga to look at him slightly suspiciously. "She. Is. What?" I growled as I finally broke free from their grasps. For the first time in my entire millennium of existence I saw Odin's fierce side crumble away and his fatherly side come raging through as he sat down heavily in the nearest chair and began to sob.

"TELL ME!!!" I screamed desperately as the fear threatened to overwhelm me and the Avengers gathered around us. I chanced a quick glance towards the Midgardians and saw Bruce, Tony, Peter, and Pietro were all white as phantoms and shaking from head to toe, Sam, Bucky and Steve were having a quiet conversation towards the back of the group with Clint whom they were having to hold to keep from lashing out and Natasha and Wanda were sobbing with their arms around each other.

Odin cleared his throat and immediately all eyes were on him as he whispered so sadly that I heard every heart in the room shatter into a million pieces, "Hela is the goddess of death, Loki. None here would have been able to stop her." Panic, pure and ice cold, shot through my veins as I realized what he was saying and an anguished wail ripped from my throat as I hit my knees and wrapped my arms around myself trying to keep myself from shattering into pieces. Frigga, Natasha, Wanda and Sif all gasped in horror as fresh tears streamed down their faces, Steve, Bucky and Sam all grabbed for Clint as he lunged at me screaming something incoherent and Bruce, Peter, Pietro, and Tony all either sat down or hit their knees as the gravity of the situation finally hit them.

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