Chapter 5

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Three days pass with us sparring in Sif's training pit then drinking ourselves to sleep at night during the feasts. On the fourth morning, I walked to the banquet hall by myself since I'd woken up a bit late that morning and found that almost everyone else had left for the day except for Sif, Wanda, Nat, Frigga, the Warriors Three and a few others. I sat down beside Nat who looked like she would gladly rip the first person apart that she came across for a simple cup of coffee. Wanda had her head on her arms and Sif looked like she was ready to crawl back into bed for the rest of the day.

I grabbed a piece of bacon as I laid my head on Nat's shoulder and she kissed my temple and murmured, "Morning, sister. How ya doing?" I answered her with a groan which caused the rest of the people around us to laugh. "First time getting drunk?" I heard a velvety soft voice ask. I looked up moving my head as little as possible and saw Loki standing in front of me in a deep forest green tunic and black leather pants that sent dirty thoughts straight through my mind and a flash of white hot heat between my legs. Not trusting my tongue or my stomach I simply groaned again and nodded.

"My poor Midgardian, you need to eat and then rest." He said quietly and the girls around me simply looked at him stunned. Sif looked as though she'd just been slapped in the face and the blond girl that Frigga had pointed out named Sigyn glared daggers not at him but at me. Completely confused by Sigyn's reactions but deciding to take Loki up on his offer nonetheless I stood up and almost immediately regretted my actions when the world spun around me. "Whoa, sister!" Nat said as she held out both hands to steady me.

"Will you be alright, dear?" Sif asked me in a very concerned, motherly tone just as the male Avengers walked through the door...and Loki picked me up and threw me over his shoulder causing me to squeal. "HEY!" Nat yelled as I almost kicked her in the face. "Sorry!" I yelled not knowing if she could hear me over the rest of the Avengers running full force towards us. "Loki!" Thor, Tony, Clint, and Steve all said with a note of warning in their voice. "Daci?" Bruce and Bucky both asked looking at me to see if this was all ok with me. "I'm fine guys. Well, ok I'd be better if he wasn't carrying me like this but - WHOA!" I screamed as he easily flipped me to where he was carrying me bridal style.

Wanda and Nat were in tears of hysterical laughter at this point and Sif was laughing almost as hard as Loki began walking me back towards the doors of the hall. "Don't worry, Midgardians. I'm simply taking care of her since she drank a little too much mead the other night. She'll be fine by tomorrow." Loki said over his shoulder as he walked out into the hallway. "Oh dear Lord." I heard Steve say as Clint choked on his orange juice causing everyone to burst into laughter. Before he could say or do much of anything though we were halfway down the hall. I squirmed in Loki's surprisingly strong arms and said, "I'm fine now I can walk!" He arched an eyebrow and stopped in his tracks at the end of the hall and sat me down on my feet. I managed to get about two feet from him before the dizziness came back only stronger and I felt my knees give out underneath me.

Before I could even brush the beautiful marble floor with my knees I felt Loki's arms around my ribs as he pulled me back up and held me tightly against him as I whimpered softly until the dizziness slowly faded. It took me several moments to realize that Loki had his face pressed into my neck and I could feel his hot breath against the sensitive spot on my neck and I bit my lip and whimpered for a very different reason this time causing Loki to growl softly in my ear.

"No playing today for you, sweetling. You need to rest and I'm going to take care of you." He whispered kissing me on the temple and picking me back up causing me to whine. He chuckled darkly and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, pet. I want it just as badly as you do but for now let us get your things and move them into my room so I can properly take care of you without having to walk halfway across this palace to do so." I shivered and nodded and nuzzled my face into his neck breathing his scent which smelled like leather and musk. He moaned softly as he kicked open my door and sat me on the bed gently and said, "It won't take but a moment, dove." I nodded and closed my eyes as the cool air hit my feverish skin and I shivered slightly.

I felt a wave of dizziness coming on and my mouth began to salivate as my eyes flew open and I jumped off the bed and sprinted full force for the bathroom. Silently thanking whoever it was that thought to put indoor plumbing in the palace I hit my knees in front of the toilet and retched. As soon as I was done I put the lid down and flushed the toilet only to hear Loki come in from the bedroom behind me as I stood up and grabbed the mouthwash and took a swig of it in my mouth and began swishing it around to get the taste and smell of vomit out of my mouth.

I felt his arms wrap gently around me again as I spit out the mouthwash into the the sink and leaned back again him as he ran his cold hands up and down my arms. I moaned softly as I felt his cool lips against the skin between my shoulder blades and he gently turned me around and picked me up as I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he carried me back into the bedroom and picked up my bag and began walking to his room. At this point I knew it would be around lunch time and I knew that the palace would probably be filling up with servants and friends of Thor and Odin and Frigga who would undoubtedly see Loki carrying me to his room and would spread the news far and wide but at that point I was far too sick and weak to care.

After about ten minutes he stopped and murmured, "We're here, love." Very carefully I unwrapped my legs from around his waist and put my feet on the floor but kept my arms around his neck as I mumbled with my face still pressed into his neck, "You really weren't kidding when you said you were halfway across the palace from me." This caused him to chuckle and I kissed him lightly on the neck which turned his chuckle into a hiss of pleasure and he growled in my ear, "Careful, dove." Almost as soon as he sat me and my stuff down I sprinted towards the only other door in the room praying that it was the bathroom and silently thanking God that it was as another wave of nausea hit me hard.

I came out of the bathroom about five minutes later after washing my mouth out yet again to a very worried looking Loki standing by the bathroom door waiting for me. Immediately picking me up again he carried me over to the bed the look of worry growing more in his eyes as he sat me down on his bed that he'd already turned the covers back on.

After being sick not once but twice, I felt as though I'd ran several marathons back to back and my body was close to giving out on me.The last thing I heard before falling into a deep slumber was, "Come now. Lay down. Can't have you ill can we...? You're no good to me like this. Lay back, let me take care of you." I smiled as I felt his cool fingers ghost over my cheeks as I was swallowed up by sleep.

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