Chapter 6

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The whispers were already going around like wildfire by the time I sat down in the banquet hall three days later next to Nat who had a smirk on her face to rival that of my own. "Sister." I said quietly as I reached over her and grabbed the orange juice and poured myself some. "You've been a very very bad Daci." She whispered in my ear as I took a sip and went to put the orange juice back and almost caused me to choke.

After I managed to swallow what was in my mouth, I feigned innocence and said, "Whatever do you mean dear sister?" This in turn caused her to almost choke on her orange juice and we both cracked up laughing. The hall was noisy enough that our laughter wasn't noticed at all but I did start paying attention to my surroundings when I caught several people staring at me. I furrowed my brow and went to open my mouth to ask Nat what was going on but she'd already started giving me an explanation without me even needing to ask.

"Loki and Sigyn had a very loud argument this morning. No one caught the beginning of the argument but apparent Sigyn called...someone...a Midgardian whore and well that didn't go over well with Loki at all. Even Frigga told her that she was out of line for calling y...whomever they were arguing about a whore and Sigyn made the biggest mistake of her life. She apparently slapped Frigga just as Odin was walking in and Thor, Loki and Frigga are having to calm him down while Sif deals with Sigyn." I gasped when she finished telling me everything that had happened and immediately wolfed down my breakfast with as much lady like dignity as I could and stood up and made my way out of the hall without saying much of anything except "hello" and "good morning" to anyone. Before I knew it I found myself standing in the hallway outside the great double doors of the banquet hall and was looking around hoping and praying for a sign that would lead me to where all the trouble was when I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned fast on my heel only to come face to face with Sif.

"Take me to them." I said and she simply nodded and we raced off leaving the banquet hall absolutely hissing with whispers. We sprinted down the hallway and instead of turning left like we would if we were going to our rooms she turned right and then after several minutes turned left and I stopped dead in my tracks. We were in the throne room. It took me several minutes to get used to what I was seeing and even then I was still struck damn near speechless. "Oh look! Sif went and fetched your Midgardian whore for you, Loki! Wasn't that sweet of her?" I heard a voice maliciously hiss from over where Frigga stood. I knew that it couldn't have been Frigga because her face went absolutely white with rage, Thor actually growled, Sif started towards her with her hand on the hilt of her sword only to be stopped by Thor, and Loki's eyes went almost black they turned so dark. I had just opened my mouth to ask what was going on and who the hell Sigyn thought she was talking about when Odin's voice snarled, "Hold your tongue!"

I squeaked and closed my mouth and clamped my hands over my mouth as Odin began to laugh and said,
"Not you my dear. I was speaking to Sigyn who, it appears, lost what little sense she had to begin with. But come to me dear and I shall answer any and all questions I'm most certain you have about all of this." I looked over at Frigga and Sif and smiled nervously and Frigga smiled back while Sif just shook her head and laughed and motioned for me to go on. I walked over to Odin trying not to stop and gawk at all of the golden splendor I was surrounded by and was soon standing in front of him at the bottom of the steps of the throne.

"Now, what exactly would you like to know my dear Midgardian." He asked leaning forward. "Well." I began choosing my words carefully. "Well, what exactly is going on between Loki and Sigyn? And whom exactly is she referring to as Loki's...ya know." I mumbled the last part while looking down and scratching my neck.

"Apparently, Loki told Sigyn earlier that he no longer felt the same way about her that he once did and that he was caring for you whilst you were taken ill. This angered Sigyn quite a bit and she immediately assumed that it was because you and he are now smitten with one another and that's when she used that vulgar phrase to describe you." Odin explain as a blush began to form on my cheeks and I hoped and prayed for my own sake that no one could see it but that was pushing my luck apparently. "Oh my!" Odin chuckled leaning back smiling from ear to ear. I could see Loki and Thor out of the corner of my eye looking curiously at me as Odin said, "I do believe Sigyn may have been partially correct about this." At this Frigga and Sif turned around and became interested in the conversation as well as Sigyn snorted and said, "Which part the part where I said that she was wet to the knees for someone that was already spoken for or that she is nothing more than a Midgardian who-MMPH!" She squealed as a metal gag appeared over her mouth and Frigga looked back over her shoulder and hissed, "I warned you to stay your tongue, girl. Now you will wear that for the entire time that our Midgardian guests are here to show what happens when you speak ill of one of them!"

Shuffling nervously I looked back up to Odin who was looking at Sigyn as though he'd like nothing more than to throw her in the dungeons. I looked up at Odin and mumbled, "I'm sorry I've caused so much trouble." A low growl from Odin, Thor and Loki echoed through the golden chamber and I shivered slightly and Loki gracefully stormed up to me and did something that set the entirety of Asgard aflame with absolute salacious rumors for the next day. In front of his mother and father, brother, friend and now ex girlfriend he not only ripped his leather duster off and wrapped it around me but as he was fastening it he leaned down and gave me a fiery kiss that left me absolutely breathless and stunned into silence.

And in that silence he whispered a phrase that had me smiling from ear to ear for the rest of the day. After his lips left mine and I was left completely shocked at what had just happened I heard Sigyn scream something around her gag and even though I couldn't exactly make out what she was saying I knew that she'd just called me "Stupid Midgardian whore!"

Sif who had had quite enough of her turned and backhanded her into the wall as Thor and Frigga both ran to pull her off of Sigyn. As soon as they were apart, I felt Loki's finger coax my chin upwards and I was suddenly looking into oceanic teal eyes that I swear I could get lost in for weeks. "In your eyes, you should be nothing less than a goddess, as you are in mine."

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