Unseen turn of events

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Warning: stabbing
And few games mentioned that is nit cookie run but it will be in this chapter

In the middle if the night Y/N's phone was acting weird it would turn on and off until the screen became fully white the sudden light beam woke Y/N up they shot up and saw that theyr phone was on, scared of something paranormal was happening she scooted away from her phone to the otherside of theyr bed
"What the-" before they could finish the phone started vibrate and started to suck them in confused that why isn't it sucking everything else exept them and also scared that how this is happening they grabbed onto the nearest thing they could reach

They picked up N/I (nearest item) and tried to break theyr phone with it, in order to save themself from what is happening, it didn't work and well they got sucked in to theyr phone when they opened theyr eyes, Y/N was on a floor they looked around there was nothing but big large cube-ish things
Y/N's pov•
'Where am i?' I started to walk around and looked up to see a screen and My room???
"what the?"
I got curious and poked my hand thru one of the cube things nothing so i poked my head in it to see "Spotify? how is this possible"
i walked up to the pannel and searched up a song and on the big screen there it was and song them were playlists and a bunch if things
"If this is reality right now and i am inside of an app that is on my phone then what if it was a game"
i hurried out thru one of the sides and tried to spot amoung us and found it
"Allright it should work"
I jumped in and i was on a server and they are big like 5'8 the game started and i was a crewmate
"alligh' this gonna be easy" i started to do the tasks and i heard the vent
"Ah haell naw i am gonna get out of here before i die- wait what happens if i die?" I stood there and waited nothing "well i gues-" i got stabbed i stood right next to the inposter and i saw my dead body "What!?" The imposter loked at me and stabbed me again but this time i was in the button room i quickly called a meeting and told them
"Okay listen He stabbed me 2times and there is like 2 of my boddies in medbay"
They looked suspiciously at me and walked to medbay and there was it my boddies the imposter got kicked off and we won i exited the game "Well that was a bust" i walked around and sawsubway surfers "I eonder why the cop dousn't lose weight like he had been chaing those kids over miles yet still chubby" i walked past multiple games and i saw cookie run kingdom
"Yeah i am gonna go in here and never come out"
I jumped into it and now i was falling from the sky "Oh my god there are Jellybean rocks and an orange juice river!" I fell onto the ground "And the ground is nit hard or soft yet i'm in one piece
(Anyone watched One piece?)
I looked around i'm in Dragon Hill
This is so cool i walked around a bit and heard barking and from the bush that was next to me started to roustle I walked a bit closer to it and to my surprise i was tackled by a cake hound
"Well aren't you a surprise i'll call you C/N"
Me and C/N explored around a bit until i heard a lot of noise i went to inspect it and saw
"Hey! That's my kingdom! C/N c'mere look"
as C/N ran towards me, me and C/N started to look down to the kingdom
"I wonder how are the cookies?"
As i said that C/N jumped down into the kingdom "C/N! No! Comeback!" But he ran towards 'Red velvet cookie he is RIGHT THERE AND CHIFFON!' I inspected more and then i saw C/N gesture to where i was hiding and i looked at Red velvet cookie and it seems he saw me 'Fight or flight' then red vekvet called over Gingerbrave and pointed towards my hiding spot

Okay sorry fir ending it here right niw i am checking out the new update so yeah bye have a great nigh/day

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