Friend or Foe

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As Y/N looks up they were quickly picked up
"My friend you shall not stay outside in the cold and you are not from around here i see"
Hollyberry sais to Y/N
"And you are far from a cookie your soft and squishy, Come let me introduce you to my dearest friends"
she walkes towards the castle and right before the gate shuts Y/N sees Gingerbrave giving a thumbs up
'So i am going to meet the ancients? Does Dark Choco and Custard along with Princess, Tiger Lily live here aswell?'
As Y/N thought to them selfs Hollyberry placed them on the big fancy couch next to Golden Cheese cookie
"Goldie please company our friend while i gather the others!" She quickly ran out of the room C/N jumps into Y/N's arms as they were petting the hound they heard
"So you are new here huh? You look quite interesting... what are you?"
"Well i am a Human, you must be Golden cheese cookie"
"Right you are and say... you remind me of someone, what's your name?" Golden cheese cookie and Y/N were answering eachother's questions when Hollyberry came in with a tired Cacao and Pure vanilla gollowing behind
"Friend! Meet Dark cacao and Pure Vanilla! And i am Hollyberry cookie!"
"Wait you just dragged in somecookie without even knowing them?"
Dark cacao asks Hollyberry "Hollyberry Cacao's right you can't drag strangers here what if they are one of Dark Enchantress's team?"
Pure Vanilla calmly states
"I'm sure our new friend is trustworthy and plus they look like the baker!"
"Holly you know the baker will comeback soon or later, imagine how sad they will be if they found out we had replaced them with- Y/N"
As the 4Ancients were arguing
"I should probably go,."
As Y/N got up they were stopped by Dark Cacao
"You are not leaving until we sort this out" he led them to a room
"You'll stay here for the night..." he shut the door and left
Y/N's pov•
As Dark cacao shut the door and left "Well C/N lets just rest up a bit tomorrow everything should be sorted out"
i walked over to the bed and laid down and famn this is a big bed
"c'mere baby blue well even if your not blue"
C/N jumped into my arms
"can you keep a secret?"
I got a bark in return
"i'll take it as a yes, I'm the baker shh"
i layd down and prepared to sleep
*the next morning*
I woke up and saw clothes on the foot of the bed and a note on it

Dear Y/N
Me and the others had sorted out that you are our friend and not a foe we are sorry if we had troubled you we had some things to attend around the kingdom since our baker is no longer here to attend it, theese are spare clothes since we think you don't have any, We'll catch up togather tonight until then feel free to explore exept the 4th door on the 3rd floor

With all your respect •
•Pure Vanilla Cookie

"Well C/N let's explore the castle a bit shall we"
i got up and walked around the castle 'from the colours this must be Dark Cacao's room and that is Golden cheese's and that hollyberry and that Vanilla'
i went down to the second floor
"This is Supply room an that the bakery roo- This must be where the 'baker' had made dough for the cookies incase they lose a limb that myst've hurt for thise who crumbled and needed it"
I explored and explored until i reached the bottom floor
"let's go on a walk shall we"

???-Mother The Baker had returned but they look more lively should we attack now and take the baker they can help us make an army of gingerbreads

??-Now now hold your crumbs Red Velvet we must take it step by step there must not be room for failure, Affogato cookie should assist you tomorrow make sure that gingerbrave kid is not onto us

???-as you wish mother

For those who don't understand
Okay when the witch baked the cookies the baker helped them to escape the witch and helped them built up K/N and as Dark Enchantress was conquering kingdoms one by one another one was being built she did not like it and found out the Baker (you) is there eversource and is not tryna take you away and use you for her own advantage

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